Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like', in a tiny dilution - so the indications below are what a healthy person would feel if taking Sulphur. If your symptoms fit within the symptoms below, then Sulphur would be a good bet.

The following are the strongest indications of Sulphur for its use in homeopathy. Entries on a white background are from Boericke's Materia Medica, other entries are from a reversed Kent's repertory. Homeopathic remedies are not the same as herbal remedies.

Please remember though, this homeopathy materia medica is provided for information only, with no guarantee of accuracy; it is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor as a claim for the effectiveness of Sulphur in treating any of the symptoms below. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical advice - minor symptoms can often be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Homeopathic remedies are very dilute, and while the homeopathic remedy may be beneficial, the raw product may be harmful.

To purchase Sulphur and other homeopathic remedies online, please click the button above.

This is great Hahnemannian anti-psoric. Its action is centrifugal-from within outward-having an elective affinity for the skin, where it produces heat and burning, with itching; made worse by heat of bed. Inertia and relaxation of fiber; hence feebleness of tone characterizes its symptoms. Ebullitions of heat, dislike of water, dry and hard hair and skin, red orifices, sinking feeling at stomach about 11 am, and cat-nap sleep; always indicate Sulphur homeopathically. Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients, it is always uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to being washed. When carefully-selected remedies fail to act, especially in acute diseases, it frequently arouses the reactionary powers of the organism. Complaints that relapse. General offensive character of discharge and exhalations. Very red lips and face, flushing easily. Often great use in beginning the treatment of chronic cases and in finishing acute ones.
Complementary: Aloe; Psorin; Acon; Pyrarara (a fish caught in the Amazon, clinically used for various skin affections). Lepra, tuberculides, syphilides, varicosities, etc.
Compare: Acon (Sulphur often follows in acute diseases); Mercur and Calcarea are frequently useful after Sulphur, not before. Lyc; Sep; Sars; Puls; Sulphur hydrogenisatum (delirium, mania, asphyxia); Sulphur terebinthinatum (chronic rheumatic arthritis; chorea); Tannic acid (Nasal haemorrhage; elongated uvula; gargle; constipation). Magnes artificialis (great hunger in evening, profuse sweat on face, bruised pain in joints, rectal constriction after stool).
Magnetis polus Articus (anxious, coldness of eyes as if a piece of ice lay in orbit, increased flow of saliva, constipation, sopor, trembling, abdominal flatulence).
Magnetis Polus Australis (dryness of lids, easy dislocation of ankle, ingrowing toe-nails, aching in patella, shooting in soles).
Compare in adenoids: Agraphis.
Acts in all potencies from the lowest to the highest. Some of the best results are obtained from the higher, and not too frequent doses. The twelfth potency is a good one to begin treatment with, going higher or lower according to the susceptibility of th
expectoration; daytime only; ;
expectoration; morning; ;
expectoration; bloody, spitting of blood (see chest haemorrhage);
expectoration; greenish;
expectoration; mucous; morning; ;
Very forgetful
Difficult thinking
Delusions; thinks rags beautiful things-that he is immensely wealthy
Busy all the time
Childish peevishness in grown people
Affections vitiated; very selfish, no regard for others
Religious melancholy
Averse to business; loafs-too lazy to arouse himself
Imagining giving wrong things to people, causing their death
Sulphur subjects are nearly always irritable, depressed, thin and weak, even with good appetite.
mind; aversions, dislikes; open air;
mind; aversions, dislikes; indolence, aversion to work;
mind; aversions, dislikes; indolence, aversion to work; evening; ;
mind; behaviour; foolish behaviour; happiness and pride;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; sees beauty; old rags are as fine as silk;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; illusions of fantasy;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; desire for open air;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; haughty;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; impatience;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; indifference, apathy, etc.; to external things;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; indifference, apathy, etc.; personal appearance;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; indifference, apathy, etc.; to pleasure;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; indifference, apathy, etc.; to welfare of others;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability; evening; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; loathing; disgust;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; quarrelsome, argumentative;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; excessively religious (see anxiety, despair, fear);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; suspicious;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; discontent, displeased, dissatisfied, etc.;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); morning; inclined to, at 11 a.m.; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); causeless, groundless, with no reason;
mind; hurry;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; morning; ;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish; children; ;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; imbecility;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; imbecility; old rags are as fine as silk;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; weakness of mind;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; evening; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; night; on waking; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; pressure on the chest;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; on falling asleep; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; timidity;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; timidity; symptoms after embarrassment;
mind; preoccupied; absorbed, buried in thought;
mind; restlessness, nervousness;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; night; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; before period; ;
mind; talking, conversation; answers not lucid; irrelevantly;
mind; talking, conversation; answers not lucid; refuses to answer;
mind; talking, conversation; critical;
mind; talking, conversation; dislike of talking, desire to be silent, taciturn;
vertigo, dizziness;
vertigo, dizziness; from high places; ;
vertigo, dizziness; from looking at...; with eyes turned downward; ;
vertigo, dizziness; on stooping; ;
vertigo, dizziness; while walking; while in the open air; ;
vertigo, dizziness; while walking; while on a slope; ;
Constant heat on top of head (Cup Sulphur; Graph)
Heaviness and fullness, pressure in temples
Beating headache; worse, stooping, and with vertigo
Sick headache recurring periodically
Tinea capitis, dry form
Scalp dry, falling of hair; worse, washing
Itching; scratching causes burning.
head; congestion (see pulsation);
head; congestion (see pulsation); fullness;
head; congestion (see pulsation); during period; ;
head; congestion (see pulsation); warm room; ;
head; constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing);
head; constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing); like band or hoop;
head; constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing); as if by string;
head; hair; falling;
head; hair; falling; after childbirth; ;
head; hot; morning; on waking; ;
head; hot; night; in bed; ;
head; hot; on waking; ;
head; hot; in a warm room; ;
head; hot; top of head (vertex); ;
head; heaviness (see pain; pressing);
head; pain, headache;
head; pain, headache; morning; on rising; ;
head; pain, headache; evening; ;
head; pain, headache; evening; in bed; ;
head; pain, headache; affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated); after eating;
head; pain, headache; with running or blocked nose; blowing nose;
head; pain, headache; on coughing; ;
head; pain, headache; with stomach complaints;
head; pain, headache; hammering pain;
head; pain, headache; hammering pain; from talking vivaciously; ;
head; pain, headache; from certain movements; from stooping; ;
head; pain, headache; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; sneezing; ;
head; pain, headache; while talking; ;
head; pain, headache; twitching;
head; pain, headache; walking; after walking in open air; ;
head; pain, headache; walking; in open air;
head; pain, headache; warmth; warm room;
head; pain, headache; cold weather; damp; ;
head; pain, headache; winter headaches; ;
head; pain, headache; extending to other parts; eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; morning; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; noon; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; cold; cold applications;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; from stooping; ;
head; pain, headache; top of head (vertex); ;
head; pain, headache; top of head (vertex); morning; ;
head; pain, headache; burning; top of head (vertex); ;
head; pain, headache; bursting; on coughing; ;
head; pain, headache; cutting, darting, stabbing; back of head (occiput); ;
head; pain, headache; pulling;
head; pain, headache; jerking;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling);
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); morning; on rising; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); evening; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); as if by band;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; morning; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; as from a band;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); temples; morning; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); temples; morning; after rising; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); top of head (vertex); ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); top of head (vertex); morning; ;
head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; top of head (vertex); ;
head; pain, headache; stitching, sudden, sharp;
head; pain, headache; stitching, sudden, sharp; extending to other parts; eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; stitching, sudden, sharp; forehead; sides of forehead; left; ;
head; pain, headache; tearing, rending;
head; skin and scalp; powdery flaking skin;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; margin of hair; ;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; back of head (occiput); ;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; bleeding after scratching;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; burning;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; crusts, scabs;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; dry;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; eczema;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; eczema; from ear to ear along margin of hair around back of head; ;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; wearing away skin;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; itching;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; moist;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; pimples;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; pimples; on back of head (occiput); ;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; pus-filled pimples;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; generating pus;
head; skin and scalp; itching;
head; skin and scalp; itching; back of head (occiput); ;
head; skin and scalp; perspiration; scalp; one-sided; ;
head; skin and scalp; perspiration; back of head (occiput); ;
head; pulsating;
Burning ulceration of margin of lids
Halo around lamp-light
Heat and burning in eyes (Ars; Bell)
Black motes before eyes
First stage of ulceration of cornea
Chronic ophthalmia, with much burning and itching
Parenchymatous keratitis
Cornea like ground glass.
eye; lids; bleeding from lids;
eye; lids; eyes closed; eyes close involuntary;
eye; lids; stuck together; morning; ;
eye; cataract;
eye; cataract; cortical (in outer part of lens); ;
eye; discoloration; redness;
eye; discoloration; redness; morning; ;
eye; discoloration; redness; corner; ;
eye; discoloration; redness; lids; morning; ;
eye; discoloration; redness; lids; spots; edges of; ;
eye; dryness;
eye; dryness; morning; after tears; ;
eye; growth, tumour; sty;
eye; growth, tumour; sty; recurrent;
eye; eye feels hot;
eye; inflammation;
eye; inflammation; acute;
eye; inflammation; glandular swellings;
eye; inflammation; washing;
eye; inflammation; wounds; conjunctiva (external lining of eye); ;
eye; inflammation; wounds; conjunctiva (external lining of eye); oozing pus (including cornea);
eye; inflammation; wounds; cornea (transparent part of eye); ;
eye; inflammation; wounds; lids; ;
eye; itching;
eye; itching; evening; ;
eye; itching; eyebrows; ;
eye; itching; lids; ;
eye; itching; lids; daytime only; ;
eye; pain; evening; ;
eye; pain; with dryness of eyeballs;
eye; pain; aching; evening; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; morning; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; night; after midnight; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; margins of lids; morning; ;
eye; pain; as from something in eye; like sand in eye;
eye; pain; pressing; evening; ;
eye; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp;
eye; paralysis; optic nerve, total blindness, without eye damage (amaurosis); ;
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia);
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia); daylight; sunlight;
eye; skin around eyes (see face); out-breaks on skin;
eye; swellings; morning; ;
eye; swellings; glandular swellings;
eye; tears;
eye; tears; morning; ;
eye; tears; open air;
eye; tears; acrid smell (strong and sharp);
eye; tears; burning;
eye; twitching; lids; ;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; black; spots; floating (aka muscae volitantes or spiders);
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; dark;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; dark; points;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; dark; spots;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; dark; spots; floating;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; dark; stripes;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; halo of colours; around the light;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; spots;
vision; objects seem distorted; objects seem distant;
vision; dazzling; looking long; ;
vision; dim;
vision; dim; during headache; ;
vision; dim; when reading; ;
vision; flickering;
vision; foggy;
vision; foggy; evening; ;
Whizzing in ears
Bad effects from the suppression of an otorrhœa
Oversensitive to odors
Deafness, preceded by exceedingly sensitive hearing; catarrhal deafness.
ear; discharges from ear;
ear; discharges from ear; wearing away skin;
ear; discharges from ear; offensive smelling;
ear; inflammation; inside; ;
ear; inflammation; media;
ear; itching; in ear;
ear; itching; external ear; ;
ear; noises in ear;
ear; noises in ear; evening; in bed; ;
ear; noises in ear; ringing;
ear; noises in ear; roaring;
ear; noises in ear; roaring; evening; ;
ear; noises in ear; roaring; while lying down; ;
ear; noises in ear; swashing;
ear; pain;
ear; pain; from noises; ;
ear; pain; aching;
ear; pain; lacerating;
ear; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp;
ear; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; left; ;
ear; pain; tearing in;
ear; pain; tearing in; noises;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; behind ears; ;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; in ear canal; boils;
ear; sensation of water in ear;
hearing; impaired;
hearing; impaired; eating;
hearing; impaired; after scarlet fever; ;
hearing; impaired; difficulty hearing the human voice;
hearing; lost, deafness;
Herpes across the nose
Nose stuffed indoors
Imaginary foul smells
Alae red and scabby
Chronic dry catarrh; dry scabs and readily bleeding
Polypus and adenoids.
nose; nose bleed;
nose; nose bleed; morning; ;
nose; nose bleed; from blowing the nose; ;
nose; catarrh;
nose; discharge from nose; offensive smelling;
nose; discharge from nose; yellow;
nose; dryness; inside; ;
nose; inflammation;
nose; itching;
nose; itching; inside; ;
nose; odours, imaginary and real; fetid;
nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive;
nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive; on blowing nose; ;
nose; odours, imaginary and real; old catarrh;
nose; odours, imaginary and real; snuff;
nose; picking nose; with mental ailments;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza);
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); running, wet;
nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness;
nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; ;
nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; tip; ;
nose; skin or lining of nose; freckles;
nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to strong odours; stool;
nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to strong odours; unpleasant odours;
nose; sneezing;
nose; sneezing; morning; ;
nose; sneezing; evening; ;
nose; sneezing; frequent;
nose; swelling;
face; expression; suffering;
face; freckles;
face; heat; hot flashes;
face; heat; hot flashes; with shivering; ;
face; motions of jaw; dropping of jaw;
face; lips; chapped;
face; lips; cracked lips;
face; lips; discoloration; red;
face; lips; dryness;
face; pain; open air;
face; pain; burning (see heat);
face; skin; discoloration; iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration);
face; skin; discoloration; dirty looking;
face; skin; discoloration; pale;
face; skin; discoloration; red; within definite boundaries;
face; skin; discoloration; red; spots (see skin);
face; skin; discoloration; sallow;
face; skin; discoloration; yellow;
face; skin; itching (see skin); chin; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; chin; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; chin; painful;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; forehead; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; acne; forehead; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; black head;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; black head; forehead; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; margins of hair; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; itching;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; painful;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; painful; chin; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; pimples;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; rash;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; like nettle rash;
face; swelling; glands in general;
face; swelling; lips; upper; ;
Lips dry, bright red, burning
Bitter taste in morning
Jerks through teeth
Swelling of gums; throbbing pain
Tongue white, with red tip and borders.
mouth; discoloration; tongue; red; edges; ;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; red; tip; ;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; white;
mouth; dryness;
mouth; dryness; morning; ;
mouth; dryness; palate (roof of mouth); ;
mouth; dryness; tongue; ;
mouth; dryness; tongue; on waking; ;
mouth; odour (halitosis, bad breath); offensive;
mouth; open;
mouth; inflamed lining of mouth from ulcer;
mouth; swelling; gums; ;
mouth; swelling; palate (roof of mouth); ;
mouth; taste; bad;
mouth; taste; bitter;
mouth; taste; flavourless; morning; ;
mouth; taste; sweetish;
mouth; thrush (whitish flakes);
mouth; teeth; pain; left; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; evening; in bed; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; night; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; in cold air; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; from a draft of air; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; in the open air; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; in bed; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; from cold; washing with cold water; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; pulsating;
mouth; teeth; pain; after washing; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; extending to other parts; ear; ;
Pressure as from a lump, as from splinter, as of a hair
Burning, redness and dryness
Ball seems to rise and close pharynx.
throat; larynx (voice box); scraping, clearing;
throat; catarrh;
throat; catarrh; larynx; ;
throat; choking, constricting;
throat; dryness;
throat; dryness; larynx; ;
throat; elongated uvula (lobe at back of mouth); ;
throat; sensation of something in throat; as from dust;
throat; irritation; trachea (wind pipe); ;
throat; pain; burning;
throat; pain; rawness; larynx; ;
throat; pain; rawness; larynx; morning; ;
throat; pain; rawness; larynx; from coughing; ;
throat; pain; sore; air passages; ;
throat; pain; sore; larynx; ;
throat; pain; sudden, sharp; on swallowing; ;
throat; scraping;
throat; swelling; tonsils; ;
throat; voice; hoarseness; morning; ;
throat; external throat; glands indurated (hard from inflammation);
throat; external throat; swelling; cervical glands (on side of neck); ;
Stomach; Complete loss of, or excessive appetite
Putrid eructation
Food tastes too salty
Drinks much, eats little
Milk disagrees
Great desire for sweets (Arg nit)
Great acidity, sour eructation
Burning, painful, weight-like pressure
Very weak and faint about 11 am; must have something to eat
Nausea during gestation
Water fills the patient up.
Very sensitive to pressure; internal feeling of rawness and soreness
Movements as of something alive (Croc; Thuj)
Pain and soreness over liver
Colic after drinking.
abdomen; bloated; in children; ;
abdomen; bloated; after eating; ;
abdomen; bloated; during period; ;
abdomen; enlarged;
abdomen; sensation of fullness; at sight of food; ;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; gurgling;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; night; ;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; night; before stool; ;
abdomen; pain; in women; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; before stool; ;
abdomen; pain; during stool; ;
abdomen; pain; after stool; ;
abdomen; pain; with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception); pain in region of liver; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; before period; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; navel; region of navel; afternoon; ;
abdomen; pain; navel; region of navel; evening; ;
abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; before stool; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; during stool; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; after stool;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; before period; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; region of navel; afternoon; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; region of navel; evening; ;
abdomen; pain; cutting; during stool; ;
abdomen; pain; cutting; during stool; during diarrhoea; ;
abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down;
abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; night, in bed; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing;
abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.);
abdomen; skin; itching; night; ;
abdomen; swelling; groin region; glands; ;
abdomen; tension;
abdomen; tension; around navel; ;
abdomen; bladder; catarrh mucous-pus (see urine, sediment containing pus);
abdomen; bladder; paralytic weakness;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); morning; ;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); morning; on rising; ;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); night; ;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); constant;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden; must hasten to urinate, or urine will escape;
abdomen; bladder; urination; dribbling (by drops);
abdomen; bladder; urination; feeble stream (slow);
abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; while perspiring; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); late morning; 11 a.m.; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); appetite vanishing on sight of food; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); with weakness;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; late morning; 11 a.m.; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite; at sight of food; ;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; salt; with thirst;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; meat;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; beer;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; whisky;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; wine;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; highly seasoned food;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; raw food;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; sweets;
abdomen; stomach; emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, hungry feeling; late morning; 11 a.m.; ;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; before dinner; ;
abdomen; stomach; epileptic aura;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; sour; daytime; ;
abdomen; stomach; heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion; after milk; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; from odours; of own body;
abdomen; stomach; pain; in women; during period; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; while standing; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; during period; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; for large quantities;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour;
Itching and burning of anus; piles dependent upon abdominal plethora
Frequent, unsuccessful desire; hard, knotty, insufficient
Child afraid on account of pain
Redness around the anus, with itching
Morning diarrhœa, painless, drives out of bed, with prolapsus recti
Haemorrhoids, oozing and belching.
rectum; constipation; insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stool;
rectum; constipation; from portal stasis;
rectum; diarrhoea; morning; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; morning; forcing out of bed; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; morning; waking with urging; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; morning; 5 a.m.; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; night; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; night; after midnight; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; drinking beer; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; in children; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after suppressed out-breaks on skin; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; painless;
rectum; diarrhoea; standing;
rectum; dysentery;
rectum; flatulence; daytime; ;
rectum; flatulence; evening; ;
rectum; flatulence; night; ;
rectum; flatulence;
rectum; flatulence; odourless;
rectum; flatulence; offensive;
rectum; flatulence; offensive; rotten eggs;
rectum; fullness;
rectum; haemorrhage from anus;
rectum; haemorrhoids; night;
rectum; haemorrhoids; beer;
rectum; haemorrhoids; chronic;
rectum; haemorrhoids; external;
rectum; haemorrhoids; internal;
rectum; haemorrhoids; large;
rectum; haemorrhoids; suppressed;
rectum; haemorrhoids; touch;
rectum; haemorrhoids; walking;
rectum; involuntary stool;
rectum; itching; daytime; ;
rectum; itching; burning;
rectum; itching; like insects crawling on skin in anus;
rectum; itching; like insects crawling on skin in anus; while sitting; ;
rectum; itching; scratching;
rectum; itching; feels erotic; ;
rectum; itching; around anus; ;
rectum; itching; perineum (between rectum and genitals); ;
rectum; moisture;
rectum; moisture; scratching;
rectum; pain; during stool; ;
rectum; pain; after stool; ;
rectum; pain; burning; night; ;
rectum; pain; burning; during diarrhoea; ;
rectum; pain; burning; while sitting; ;
rectum; pain; burning; during stool; ;
rectum; pain; burning; after stool; ;
rectum; pain; cutting; during stool; ;
rectum; pain; pressing (pressure);
rectum; pain; pressing (pressure); downward, outward, etc.;
rectum; pain; pressing (pressure); during stool; ;
rectum; pain; soreness;
rectum; pain; soreness; after stool; diarrhoea; ;
rectum; pain; sticking;
rectum; pain; sudden, sharp; evening; ;
rectum; pain; sudden, sharp; while lying down; ;
rectum; pain; sudden, sharp; while sitting; ;
rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; before stool; ;
rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after stool; ;
rectum; redness of anus;
rectum; skin and lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
rectum; skin and lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); must rub anus until raw;
rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); night; ;
rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); before stool; ;
rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during stool; ;
rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); after stool; ;
rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden;
rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden; morning; ;
rectum; worm; complaints;
rectum; worm; resembling an earthworm;
stool; like balls;
stool; like balls; like sheep dung;
stool; frothy;
stool; green;
stool; hard;
stool; hard; as if burnt;
stool; knotty, nodular, lumpy;
stool; large;
stool; mucous, slimy;
stool; odour; offensive;
stool; odour; sour;
stool; pasty, mushy;
stool; scanty;
stool; soft;
stool; thin, liquid;
stool; thin, liquid; normal consistency;
stool; tough;
stool; watery;
stool; watery; morning; ;
stool; yellow; greenish;
Frequent micturition, especially at night
Enuresis, especially in scrofulous, untidy children
Burning in urethra during micturition, lasts long after
Mucus and pus in urine; parts sore over which it passes
Must hurry, sudden call to urinate
Great quantities of colorless urine.
urine; strong and sharp (acrid);
urine; burning (includes hot);
urine; cloudy;
urine; colour; brown; like beer;
urine; copious;
urine; copious; night; ;
urine; copious; night; after midnight; ;
urine; odour; offensive;
urine; scanty;
urine; scanty; while perspiring; ;
Male; Stitches in penis
Involuntary emissions
Itching of genitals when going to bed
Organs cold, relaxed and powerless.
Female; Pudenda itches
Vagina burns
Much offensive perspiration
Menses too late, short, scanty, and difficult; thick, black, acrid, making parts sore
Menses preceded by headache or suddenly stopped
Leucorrhœa, burning, excoriating
Nipples cracked; smart and burn.
genitals; male; erections; incomplete;
genitals; male; erections; incomplete; during sexual intercourse; ;
genitals; male; erections; impotency;
genitals; male; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); scrotum; ;
genitals; male; pubic hair; offensive sweat, from hair;
genitals; male; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation); scrotum; ;
genitals; male; itching; penis; head (glans); ;
genitals; male; itching; scrotum; ;
genitals; male; perspiration; offensive;
genitals; male; perspiration; scrotum; ;
genitals; male; ejaculation; painful;
genitals; male; thick emission from penis;
genitals; male; thick emission from penis; emission of prostatic fluid; during stool; difficult stool; ;
genitals; male; thick emission from penis; emission of prostatic fluid; after stool; ;
genitals; male; thick emission from penis; emission of prostatic fluid; after urination; ;
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); accumulation of pus in the scrotum (empyocele);
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); moisture, scrotum;
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); relaxed, scrotum;
genitals; female; after-birth; suppressed;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; burning;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; yellow;
genitals; female; irritation; itching;
genitals; female; menopause;
genitals; female; period; amenorrhoea (suppression or absence of period);
genitals; female; period; late; ;
genitals; female; period; scanty;
genitals; female; period; short duration;
genitals; female; period; suppressed;
genitals; female; metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding); at menopause; ;
genitals; female; pain; bearing down; womb, and region of womb (see labour-like pains, also pains in abdomen); night in bed; ;
genitals; female; pain; burning; vagina; ;
genitals; female; womb does not return to normal size after birth (subinvolution);
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); discharge; sharp mucous or pus;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); inflammation; passage;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); itching;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning; after sexual intercourse; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning; when semen is discharged; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning; during emission; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning; during urination; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning; passage; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; stitching, sudden, sharp;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; at front; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); swelling; passage; ;
Oppression and burning sensation in chest
Difficult respiration; wants windows open
Heat, throughout chest
Red, brown spots all over chest
Loose cough; worse talking, morning, greenish, purulent, sweetish expectoration
Much rattling of mucus
Chest feels heavy; stitches, with heart feeling too large and palpitating pleuritic exudations
Use Tinctura sulphuris
Stitching pains shooting through to the back, worse lying on back or breathing deeply
Flushes of heat in chest rising to head
Oppression, as of a load on chest
Dyspnœa in middle of night, relieved by sitting up
Pulse more rapid in morning than in evening.
respiration; accelerated;
respiration; asthma attack;
respiration; catching; with piles; ;
respiration; deep; desire to breathe deeply;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea);
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); evening; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); open air;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); on bending arm backwards; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); wants doors and windows open;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); from talking; after talking; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while walking; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); from warmth; in a warm room;
respiration; loud;
cough; morning; ;
cough; evening; in bed; ;
cough; night; ;
cough; night; waking from the cough; ;
cough; dry cough;
cough; dry cough; evening; ;
cough; dry cough; evening; lying down; ;
cough; dry cough; night;
cough; dry cough; night; loose by day; ;
cough; dry cough; night; lying;
cough; dry cough; night; waking from sleep; ;
cough; dry cough; on waking; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); as from dust; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); from irritation in air passages; in larynx; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); from irritation in air passages; in wind pipe; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); rawness in larynx excites cough;
cough; loose; morning; ;
cough; while lying down; bed;
cough; while lying down; before sleep; ;
cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep;
cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep; woken by cough;
cough; while lying down; on going to sleep; ;
cough; racking;
cough; suffocating;
chest; catarrh;
chest; coldness;
chest; congestion;
chest; constriction, tension;
chest; fullness; before period; ;
chest; fullness; heart; ;
chest; heart; palpitations;
chest; heart; palpitations; night; in bed; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; anxiety; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; on climbing steps; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; while lying down; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; movement of arms;
chest; heart; palpitations; on going to sleep; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; turning in bed; ;
chest; heat;
chest; heat; flushes (see congestion);
chest; heat; flushes (see congestion); rising to face;
chest; inflammation; heart; pericardium; ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; neglected;
chest; inflammation; lungs; typhoid;
chest; inflammation; breast;
chest; inflammation; lung lining; ;
chest; inflammation; lung lining; neglected;
chest; lungs; empyema;
chest; lungs; lungs full of matter, so breathing difficult (hepatization);
chest; lungs; tuberculosis;
chest; oppressed feeling;
chest; oppressed feeling; bending arm backward; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; when coughing; ;
chest; bubbling sensation in blood (see heat flushes);
chest; pain; during a cough; ;
chest; pain; after inflammation of lungs; ;
chest; pain; sides; ;
chest; pain; sides; during cough; ;
chest; pain; lungs; left; above nipple; ;
chest; pain; heart; extending to other parts; to back; ;
chest; pain; burning; extending to face; ;
chest; pain; burning; extending upward; ;
chest; pain; burning; breast; nipples; ;
chest; pain; cutting (sudden sharp pain); heart; ;
chest; pain; pressing;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; extending to back; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; collar bone; under; extending to shoulder blade; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; right; extending to shoulder blade; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; left; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; left; breathing in; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; left; extending to back; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; left; extending to shoulder blade; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; when breathing in; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; extending to shoulder blade; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; heart; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; heart; extending to left shoulder blade; ;
chest; perspiration; arm pit; ;
chest; perspiration; arm pit; offensive;
chest; perspiration; arm pit; like garlic;
chest; pulsation; night; on waking; ;
chest; skin; abscess; breast; ;
chest; skin; out-breaks on skin;
chest; skin; out-breaks on skin; boils;
chest; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema;
chest; skin; itching;
chest; skin; itching; arm pit; ;
chest; sensation of warmth;
chest; weakness; when talking; loud; ;
Drawing pain between shoulders
Stiffness of nape
Sensation as if vertebrae glided over each other.
back; coldness;
back; coldness; evening; ;
back; coldness; travelling up the back; ;
back; coldness; sacrum (base of spine); extending upwards; ;
back; curvature of spine (scoliosis);
back; fistulae (holes);
back; pain;
back; pain; night; ;
back; pain; on movement; ;
back; pain; rising from sitting; ;
back; pain; while sitting; straight; ;
back; pain; while sitting; has to sit bent;
back; pain; while standing; ;
back; pain; in women; during period; ;
back; pain; neck; coughing; ;
back; pain; dorsal (shoulder level); ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); evening; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); lying on left side;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); during period; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); during movement; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); on rising from a seat; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); on stooping; ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); rising from sitting; ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); extending to other parts; to groin; ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); extending to other parts; to groin; during period; ;
back; pain; spine; irritation; neck; ;
back; pain; aching; night; ;
back; pain; aching; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; aching; lumbar (lower half of back); during period; ;
back; pain; aching; lumbar (lower half of back); when stooping; ;
back; pain; burning;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); during period; ;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); extending to groin; ;
back; pain; sore, bruised, beaten;
back; pain; sore, bruised, beaten; on rising; after sitting; ;
back; pain; sore, bruised, beaten; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; sore, bruised, beaten; lumbar (lower half of back); night; ;
back; pain; sore, bruised, beaten; lumbar (lower half of back); coccyx (bottom tip of spine); ;
back; pain; sore, bruised, beaten; lumbar (lower half of back); coccyx (bottom tip of spine); rising from a seat; ;
back; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting; dorsal (shoulder level); under shoulder blades; ;
back; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; perspiration; neck; ;
back; skin; out-breaks on skin;
back; skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; neck; ;
back; skin; out-breaks on skin; rash; neck; heat;
back; skin; itching;
back; skin; itching; neck; ;
back; stiffness;
back; tension; lumbar (lower half of back); stooping; ;
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine);
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine); while sitting; ;
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine); while walking; ;
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine); lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine); lumbar (lower half of back); standing; ;
Trembling of hands
Hot, sweaty hands
Rheumatic pain in left shoulder
Heaviness; paretic feeling
Rheumatic gout, with itching
Burning in soles and hands at night
Sweat in armpits, smelling like Garlic
Drawing and tearing in arms and hands
Stiffness of knees and ankles
Cannot walk erect; stoop-shouldered
extremities, limbs; coldness; upper limbs; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; cracking noise in joints; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps;
extremities, limbs; cramps; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; night; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; in cholera;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; on walking; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; foot; sole; night; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; foot; sole; night; in cholera; ;
extremities, limbs; pulling up limbs;
extremities, limbs; dryness; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; emaciated, extremely thin;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; horny callous; on hands; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chapped hand (see roughness);
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chapped hand (see roughness); working in water; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; inflamed;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; painful;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; pressing;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; stinging;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; tearing;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; hardness; skin of hands (see callus); ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; nails; hang-nails;
extremities, limbs; heat; wrist; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; hand; hand hot in flushes;
extremities, limbs; heat; hand; palm; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; night; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; burning; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; burning; uncovers them;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; flushes;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; sole; during fever; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; sole; uncovers them;
extremities, limbs; heaviness; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; heaviness; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; inflammation; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; jerking; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; jerking; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; lameness; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; hand; while writing; ;
extremities, limbs; sensation of mouse, running up limbs; upper limbs; before epilepsy; ;
extremities, limbs; sensation of mouse, running up limbs; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; pain;
extremities, limbs; pain; rheumatic;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; gouty;
extremities, limbs; pain; shoulder; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; shoulder; left; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; shoulder; rheumatic;
extremities, limbs; pain; wrist; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; buttocks; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; knee; rising from sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; wrist; extending to little finger; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hand; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hand; back of hand; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hand; palm; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hand; palm; after rubbing; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; evening; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; night; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; from warmth of bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; when in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; while walking; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; while walking; after long sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pressing; shoulder; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pressing; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised;
extremities, limbs; pain; as if sprained; joint; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; hand; palm; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; fingers; tips of fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; leg; shin; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; upper limbs; right; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; shoulder; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; elbow; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; elbow; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; night; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; leg; while sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; leg; while walking; ;
extremities, limbs; paralysis;
extremities, limbs; paralysis; upper limbs; right; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; hand; with inflammation of eye, conjunctivitis;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; hand; palm; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; feet; after drinking beer; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; feet; after heat; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; feet; while lying; ;
extremities, limbs; rush of blood to...; arms; ;
extremities, limbs; rush of blood to...; legs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; painful boils, shedding skin and tissues (carbuncle);
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); lower limbs; painful;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); lower limbs; warmth;
extremities, limbs; skin; skin cracks at bends of joints; hands (see chapping); ;
extremities, limbs; skin; skin cracks at bends of joints; hands (see chapping); from wetting; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; skin cracks at bends of joints; hands (see chapping); in winter; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); between thighs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; burning on scratching;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; scratching;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; upper limbs; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; upper limbs; scratching;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; wrist; scratching;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; scratching;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; back of hand; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; back of hand; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; between fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; between fingers; morning; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; palm; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; palm; burning; after rubbing; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; hand; fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; lower limbs; after heat; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; buttocks; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; thigh; night; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; knee; bend of knee; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; leg; night; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; foot; sole of foot; while walking; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; toes; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; boils;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; pus-filled pimples;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; pus-filled pimples;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; like nettle rash;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; pus-filled pimples;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; pus-filled pimples; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; pus-filled pimples; red, evening;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; like nettle rash;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; back of hand; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; back of hand; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; back of hand; blisters;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between the fingers; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between the fingers; blisters;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between the fingers; blisters; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; between index finger and thumb; blisters;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; lower limbs; blisters;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; thigh; rash;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; leg; eczema;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; leg; pus-filled pimples;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; leg; scabs;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; leg; like nettle rash;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; foot; herpes;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; nails; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; fingers; nails; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; deep;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; foot; from blisters; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; toes; nail; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; warts; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; knee; on rising from a seat; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; knee; after sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; ankle; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; right; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; fluid in tissues;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; glandular swellings;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; knee; hollow of knee; ;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; knee; hollow of knee; while walking; ;
extremities, limbs; inclination to uncover; feet; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; joints; ;
Talks, jerks, and twitches during sleep
Vivid dreams
Wakes up singing
Wakes frequently, and becomes wide awake suddenly
Catnaps; slightest noise awakens
Cannot sleep between 2 an 5 am.
sleep; disturbed;
sleep; dreams; anxious;
sleep; dreams; nightmare;
sleep; dreams; nightmare; while lying on the back; ;
sleep; dreams; unpleasant;
sleep; dreams; vexatious, stressful;
sleep; dreams; vivid;
sleep; restless;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness; morning; ;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness; afternoon; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; evening; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from before midnight; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; after midnight; 3 a.m.; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; after midnight; 4 a.m.; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; after midnight; 5 a.m.; ;
sleep; not refreshing; morning; ;
sleep; waking; 3 a.m.; ;
sleep; waking; 5 a.m.; with urging to stool;
sleep; waking; from cough; ;
sleep; waking; from dreams; ;
sleep; waking; early;
sleep; waking; frequent; ;
sleep; waking; frequent; after midnight; ;
sleep; waking; as from fright;
sleep; waking; late; ;
sleep; yawning; frequent;
chill; late morning; ;
chill; evening; ;
chill; night; ;
chill; running upwards; ;
chill; in bed; ;
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature);
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature); during period; ;
chill; internal; ;
chill; in women; during period; ;
chill; with fever, but chill predominating; noon; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors;
chill; in warmth; in warm weather; ;
Frequent flashes of heat
Violent ebullitions of heat throughout entire body
Dry skin and great thirst
Night sweat, on nape and occiput
Perspiration of single parts
Disgusting sweats
Remittent type.
fever; night; ;
fever; night; with chilliness;
fever; night; with perspiration;
fever; night; on waking;
fever; spreading up body;
fever; with chill;
fever; continued fever; night; ;
fever; fever with skin out-break; measles;
fever; heat absent;
fever; infectious fevers;
fever; intermittent, chronic;
fever; internal heat;
fever; perspiration with heat;
fever; relapsing;
fever; septic fever (see infectious, continued, from childbirth, etc.);
fever; with shivering;
fever; heat comes on after sleep; ;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; chill followed by heat;
fever; in women; from childbirth; ;
fever; in women; from childbirth; from suppressed after-birth; ;
perspiration; daytime; ;
perspiration; morning; after waking; ;
perspiration; evening; in bed; ;
perspiration; night; ;
perspiration; after eating; ;
perspiration; during slight exertion (see walking); ;
perspiration; on movement; ;
perspiration; odour; offensive;
perspiration; odour; sour;
perspiration; odour; sour; morning; ;
perspiration; profuse; morning; after waking; ;
perspiration; profuse; night; ;
perspiration; profuse; night; with sleeplessness;
perspiration; profuse; on waking; ;
perspiration; on beginning to sleep; ;
perspiration; after waking from sleep; ;
perspiration; from suppressed complaints; ;
perspiration; other symptoms worse while perspiring;
perspiration; while walking (see exertion); ;
Dry, scaly, unhealthy; every little injury suppurates
Itching, burning; worse scratching and washing
Pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades, hang-nails
Excoriation, especially in folds (Lyc)
Feeling of a band around bones
Skin affections after local medication
Pruritus, especially from warmth, is evening, often recurs in spring-time, in damp weather. Worse, at rest, when standing, warmth in bed, washing, bathing, in morning, 11 am, night, from alcoholic stimulants, periodically.
Better, dry, warm weather, lying on right side, from drawing up affected limbs.
skin; blisters;
skin; blisters; ulcerated (see phagedenic);
skin; blisters; washing;
skin; chapping;
skin; coldness;
skin; cracks;
skin; cracks; after washing; ;
skin; cracks; in winter;
skin; discoloration; brown, liver spots;
skin; discoloration; dirty;
skin; discoloration; pale;
skin; discoloration; red; spots;
skin; discoloration; yellow, jaundice, etc.; spots;
skin; dry;
skin; filthy skin;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; cancerous;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; crusty;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; deep;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; offensive;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; painless, slow developing;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; hardened; margins;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; pulsating;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; red with red circle;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; after scratching; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; stinging, sudden, sharp;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; generating pus;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; swollen;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with tearing pain;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; tense;
skin; abnormal growths; warts;
skin; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation), nodules, etc.;
skin; like insects crawling on skin;
skin; like insects crawling on skin; evening; ;
skin; itching;
skin; itching; night; ;
skin; itching; burning;
skin; itching; crawling;
skin; itching; scratching;
skin; itching; spots;
skin; itching; erotic;
skin; itching; on becoming warm; ;
skin; itching; on becoming warm; in bed; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin;
skin; out-breaks on skin; bleeding;
skin; out-breaks on skin; bleeding; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; boils;
skin; out-breaks on skin; chicken-pox;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty; offensive smelling;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty; moist;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; discharging, moist; corrosive;
skin; out-breaks on skin; discharging, moist; yellow;
skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema;
skin; out-breaks on skin; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
skin; out-breaks on skin; offensive smelling;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; chapping;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; crusty;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; moist;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; patches;
skin; out-breaks on skin; itching;
skin; out-breaks on skin; itching; patches, bleeding after scratches;
skin; out-breaks on skin; itching; warmth; of bed;
skin; out-breaks on skin; leprosy;
skin; out-breaks on skin; measles;
skin; out-breaks on skin; painful;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pimples;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pus-filled pimples;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular);
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); red;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); scabies;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); scabies; suppressed;
skin; out-breaks on skin; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; stinging;
skin; out-breaks on skin; suppressed;
skin; out-breaks on skin; like nettle rash;
skin; pain; burning;
skin; pain; burning; after scratching; ;
skin; pain; burning; spots;
skin; pain; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
skin; pain; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); between skin folds; ;
skin; pain; pain after scratching;
skin; pain; pain after scratching; spots;
skin; pain; tearing; after scratching; ;
skin; prickling;
skin; prickling; when warm, in bed; ;
skin; rough;
skin; sensitive;
skin; becomes sore when lying down; in a child; ;
skin; sticking; after scratching; ;
skin; swelling;
skin; swelling; of parts affected with symptoms;
skin; swelling; burning;
skin; swelling; fluid in tissues;
injuries and accidents; poisoning; poisoning by mercury;
injuries and accidents; wounds; slow to heal;
generalities; daytime; ;
generalities; morning; ;
generalities; morning; 11 a.m.; ;
generalities; late morning; ;
generalities; evening; ;
generalities; night; ;
generalities; abscesses; glands; ;
generalities; aversion to open air;
generalities; desire for open air;
generalities; draft;
generalities; open air;
generalities; affects of alcohol; ;
generalities; affects of alcohol; brandy;
generalities; anaemia;
generalities; anaemia; as from iron deficiency - greenish yellow skin;
generalities; general physical anxiety;
generalities; dread of bathing;
generalities; bathing;
generalities; change of weather; cold to warm;
generalities; blood vessels; congestion of blood;
generalities; blood vessels; excited, rapid blood flow;
generalities; constriction; internally;
generalities; constriction; bones; ;
generalities; constriction; sensation of a band;
generalities; convulsions; epileptic;
generalities; convulsions; epileptic; from solar plexus; ;
generalities; convulsions; epileptic;
generalities; dwarfism;
generalities; physical exertion;
generalities; eating and food; while eating; ;
generalities; eating and food; after eating; ;
generalities; eating and food; milk;
generalities; eating and food; sight of all food;
generalities; eating and food; from hunger; ;
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin);
generalities; faintness, fainting;
generalities; faintness, fainting; morning; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; late morning; 11 a.m.; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; frequent;
generalities; flabby feeling;
generalities; fluid build up; internal; ;
generalities; fluid build up; excess of blood, or other fluids;
generalities; formication (like insects crawling around); internally; ;
generalities; full feeling; internally; ;
generalities; haemorrhage;
generalities; heaviness; externally; ;
generalities; heaviness; internally; ;
generalities; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation); glands; ;
generalities; inflammation; blood vessels; ;
generalities; inflammation; glands; ;
generalities; jerking; muscles; ;
generalities; knotted sensation internally (see ball, sensation of);
generalities; lean people; ;
generalities; lying down; lying in bed;
generalities; movement;
generalities; movement;
generalities; movement; of affected part;
generalities; aversion to movement;
generalities; mucous secretions increased;
generalities; pain; gnawing, biting;
generalities; pain; burning externally;
generalities; pain; burning externally; internally; ;
generalities; pain; cutting; internally;
generalities; pain; jerking; internally; ;
generalities; pain; jerking; bones; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; externally; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; internally; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; as from load;
generalities; pain; pressing; together;
generalities; pain; pressing; from within outward;
generalities; pain; as if scraped;
generalities; pain; sore, bruised; externally; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; externally; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; outward;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; bones; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; muscles; ;
generalities; pain; tearing; externally;
generalities; pain; tearing; internally;
generalities; pain; tearing; downward;
generalities; pain; tearing; muscles; ;
generalities; in women; symptoms before period; ;
generalities; in women; symptoms during period; ;
generalities; perspiration gives no relief;
generalities; symptoms from suppression of perspiration; ;
generalities; pulsation;
generalities; pulse; frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid;
generalities; quivering;
generalities; lack of reaction;
generalities; rising;
generalities; rubbing;
generalities; running;
generalities; symptoms from masturbation; ;
generalities; symptoms after sexual intercourse; symptoms after sexual excesses; ;
generalities; symptoms not symmetrical; left; ;
generalities; while sitting;
generalities; before sleep;
generalities; during sleep;
generalities; after sleep;
generalities; when asleep long;
generalities; standing;
generalities; posture - stoop shouldered;
generalities; swelling; of affected parts; ;
generalities; swelling; bones; ;
generalities; swelling; glands; ;
generalities; tension; externally; ;
generalities; tension; internally; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; flushes of heat;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; sensation of heat;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm room;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm bed;
generalities; touch;
generalities; trembling; externally; ;
generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements (chorea); from suppressed out-breaks on skin;
generalities; ulcers, at glands (see skin); cancerous;
generalities; after vaccination; ;
generalities; vomiting;
generalities; on waking; ;
generalities; walking;
generalities; walking;
generalities; walking;
generalities; walking;
generalities; wavelike sensations;
generalities; warmth; warm room;
generalities; warmth; warm bed;
generalities; wraps;
generalities; from getting wet; wet applications;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness);
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); afternoon; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); from hunger; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); from talking; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); walking; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); walking;
generalities; weariness (see weakness);

1 comment:

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