Pulsatilla Nigricans
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like', in a tiny dilution - so the indications below are what a healthy person would feel if taking Pulsatilla Nigricans. If your symptoms fit within the symptoms below, then Pulsatilla Nigricans would be a good bet.
The following are the strongest indications of Pulsatilla Nigricans for its use in homeopathy. Entries on a white background are from Boericke's Materia Medica, other entries are from a reversed Kent's repertory. Homeopathic remedies are not the same as herbal remedies.
Please remember though, this homeopathy materia medica is provided for information only, with no guarantee of accuracy; it is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor as a claim for the effectiveness of Pulsatilla Nigricans in treating any of the symptoms below. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical advice - minor symptoms can often be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Homeopathic remedies are very dilute, and while the homeopathic remedy may be beneficial, the raw product may be harmful.
To purchase Pulsatilla Nigricans and other homeopathic remedies online, please click the button above.
The weather-cock among remedies.
The disposition and mental state are the chief guiding symptoms to the selection of Pulsatilla. It is pre-eminently a female remedy, especially for mild, gentle, yielding disposition. Sad, crying readily; weeps when talking; Changeable, contradictory. The patient seeks the open air; always feels better there, even though he is chilly. Mucous membranes are all affected. Discharges thick, bland, and yellowish-green. Often indicated after abuse of Iron tonics, and after badly-managed measles. Symptoms ever changing. thirstless, peevish, and chilly. When first serious impairment of health is referred to age of puberty. Great sensitiveness. Wants the head high. Feels uncomfortable with only one pillow. Lies with hands above head.
BETTER, open air, motion, cold applications, cold food and drinks, though not thirsty.
WORSE, from heat, rich fat food, after eating, towards evening, warm room, lying on left or on painless side, when allowing feet to hang down.
Penthorum, often indicated after Pulsatilla in later colds. Ionesia asoca - Saraca indica - (Amenorrhoea, pain). Artiplex (Uterine symptoms, amenorrhoea; hysteria, coldness between shoulders, dislike of warm food, craves strange foods, palpitation, sleeplessness). Pulsatilla Nultaliana, identical effects.
Compare: Cyclamen; Kali-bich.; Kali-sulph.; Sulphur.
Pimenta - Allspice - (one-sided neuralgias, parts of body hot and cold).
Anagyris (headache, amenorrhoea).
Complementary: Coffea; Chamom.; Nux.
Third to thirtieth attenuation.
expectoration; daytime only; ;
expectoration; morning; ;
expectoration; morning; on rising; ;
expectoration; bloody, spitting of blood (see chest haemorrhage);
expectoration; greenish;
expectoration; yellow;
expectoration; yellow; morning; ;
expectoration; copious;
expectoration; difficult;
expectoration; mucous;
expectoration; noticeable taste; bitter;
expectoration; noticeable taste; of old catarrh;
expectoration; noticeable taste; greasy;
expectoration; noticeable taste; nauseous;
expectoration; noticeable taste; salty;
expectoration; thick; and sticky;
Weeps easily
Timid, irresolute
Fears in evening to be alone, dark, ghosts
Likes sympathy
Children like fuss and caresses
Easily discouraged
Morbid dread of the opposite sex
Religious melancholy
Given to extremes of pleasure and pain
Highly emotional
Mentally, an April day.
mind; behaviour; shrieking; during sleep; ;
mind; behaviour; inclination to sit;
mind; behaviour; sits quite stiff; still;
mind; delirium; with sleepiness;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; desire for open air;
mind; symptoms follow intense emotions; fright;
mind; excitement;
mind; excitement; ailments from emotional excitement;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; forsaken feeling;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; indifference, apathy, etc.;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; loathing; disgust;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mildness;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mood; changeable, variable mood;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; morose;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; excessively religious (see anxiety, despair, fear); praying;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive; during heat; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; suspicious;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; grief;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; lamenting, regretting; moaning, groaning; during heat; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; evening; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; open air;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; before period; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; warm room; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); being in open air;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); causeless, groundless, with no reason;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); during the chill; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); during the heat; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); involuntary;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); while breast feeding; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); when telling of sickness; ;
mind; hysteria;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; absent-minded (see forgetful);
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; after eating; ;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; while walking; walking in open air;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; in a warm room; ;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish;
mind; insanity; mania, madness; when period is suppressed;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; night; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; during chill; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; as if in hot air;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; in house;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; evening; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; evening; twilight; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of insanity;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; timidity; bashful;
mind; preoccupied; absorbed, buried in thought; introspection;
mind; restlessness, nervousness;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; night; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; during heat; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; walking in open air;
mind; talking, conversation; dislike of talking, desire to be silent, taciturn;
mind; unconsciousness;
mind; unconsciousness; in a crowded room; ;
mind; unconsciousness; transient;
mind; unconsciousness; transient; afternoon, in warm room; ;
mind; unconsciousness; warm room; ;
vertigo, dizziness;
vertigo, dizziness; morning; forced to lie down;
vertigo, dizziness; morning; on rising; ;
vertigo, dizziness; evening; ;
vertigo, dizziness; after eating; ;
vertigo, dizziness; as if intoxicated;
vertigo, dizziness; when lifting a weight; ;
vertigo, dizziness; from looking at...; looking upwards; ;
vertigo, dizziness; must lie down;
vertigo, dizziness; in women; during period; ;
vertigo, dizziness; in women; when period is suppressed; ;
vertigo, dizziness; perception of objects distorted; seem to be too far off;
vertigo, dizziness; on rising; from a seat; ;
vertigo, dizziness; while sitting; ;
vertigo, dizziness; on stooping; ;
vertigo, dizziness; spinning;
vertigo, dizziness; while walking; ;
vertigo, dizziness; while walking; while in the open air; ;
Wandering stitches about head; pains extend to face and teeth; vertigo; better in open air
Frontal and supraorbital pains
Neuralgic pains, commencing in Right temporal region, With scalding lachrymation of affected side
headache from overwork
Pressure on vertex.
head; congestion (see pulsation); fullness; walking in open air;
head; congestion (see pulsation); warm room; ;
head; hot; in a warm room; ;
head; heaviness (see pain; pressing); on stooping; ;
head; pain, headache;
head; pain, headache; evening; ;
head; pain, headache; air; open (see walking in open air);
head; pain, headache; affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated); after eating;
head; pain, headache; affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated); after over eating;
head; pain, headache; affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated); hot drinks;
head; pain, headache; affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated); after ice cream;
head; pain, headache; eyes and vision (affecting or affected by); looking upward; ;
head; pain, headache; with running or blocked nose; blowing nose;
head; pain, headache; from emotions; ;
head; pain, headache; from emotions; after a fright; ;
head; pain, headache; from emotions; nervous; ;
head; pain, headache; from exertion; physical exertion; from running; ;
head; pain, headache; from exertion; mental exertion; ;
head; pain, headache; with stomach complaints;
head; pain, headache; while lying down; lies with head high;
head; pain, headache; in women; from suppressed period; ;
head; pain, headache; in women; after period; on stopping of period; ;
head; pain, headache; from certain movements; from stooping; ;
head; pain, headache; pressure;
head; pain, headache; pressure; constricting head;
head; pain, headache; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; while standing; ;
head; pain, headache; from being in vaults, cellars, etc.; ;
head; pain, headache; walking; while walking rapidly; ;
head; pain, headache; walking; in open air;
head; pain, headache; walking; while walking slowly;
head; pain, headache; from warmth; summer; ;
head; pain, headache; from warmth; from exposure to sun; ;
head; pain, headache; warm room;
head; pain, headache; from wrapping up head; ;
head; pain, headache; extending to other parts; eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; pressure;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; when indoors; in a warm room; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; while standing; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; from stooping; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; above eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; above eyes; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; sides; one side; ;
head; pain, headache; temples; ;
head; pain, headache; temples; evening; ;
head; pain, headache; temples; open air;
head; pain, headache; bursting; forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; dull pain;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling);
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); pulsating;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); when indoors; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); when indoors; in a warm room; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; evening; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; over eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; stitching, sudden, sharp;
head; skin and scalp; perspiration; scalp; ;
head; skin and scalp; perspiration; scalp; one-sided; ;
head; pulsating; forehead; ;
head; pulsating; forehead; open air;
head; pulsating; forehead; during period; ;
head; warm coverings on head;
Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges
Itching and burning in eyes
Profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus
Lids inflamed, agglutinated
Veins of fundus oculi greatly enlarged
Ophthalmia neonatorum
Subacute conjunctivitis, with dyspepsia; worse, in warm room.
eye; discharges of mucus or pus;
eye; discharges of mucus or pus; from out-breaks on skin; ;
eye; discharges of mucus or pus; yellow;
eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; inner; ;
eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; inner; morning; ;
eye; dryness;
eye; dryness; warm room; ;
eye; growth, tumour; sty;
eye; growth, tumour; sty; upper lid; ;
eye; fistula (abnormal hole); tear glands; ;
eye; fistula (abnormal hole); tear glands; generating pus;
eye; fistula (abnormal hole); tear glands; generating pus; on pressure; ;
eye; inflammation;
eye; inflammation; acute;
eye; inflammation; of catarrh from cold;
eye; inflammation; cold;
eye; inflammation; with gonorrhoea;
eye; inflammation; infants; ;
eye; inflammation; coming and going quickly; open air;
eye; inflammation; glandular swellings;
eye; inflammation; wounds; conjunctiva (external lining of eye); oozing pus (including cornea);
eye; inflammation; wounds; tear duct; ;
eye; inflammation; wounds; above eye, towards temple; ;
eye; inflammation; wounds; lachrymal sac; ;
eye; itching;
eye; itching; evening; ;
eye; itching; open air;
eye; itching; lids; ;
eye; itching; lids; margin; ;
eye; itching; lids; evening; ;
eye; pain; evening; ;
eye; pain; aching;
eye; pain; aching; evening; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; evening; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; open air;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; itching;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; must rub;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; warm room;
eye; pain; tearing;
eye; paralysis; optic nerve, total blindness, without eye damage (amaurosis); ;
eye; sunken;
eye; swellings; glandular swellings;
eye; swellings; tear sac; ;
eye; tears;
eye; tears; morning; ;
eye; tears; with cough;
eye; tears; in cold air;
eye; tears; in wind; ;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; halo of colours; around the light;
vision; dim;
vision; dim; evening; while walking; fast; ;
vision; dim; evening; when warm from exertion; ;
vision; dim; open air; ;
vision; dim; after physical exertion; ;
vision; dim; in warmth; ;
vision; foggy;
vision; foggy; rubbing;
vision; lost vision, blindness;
vision; lost vision, blindness; during period; ;
vision; short-sightedness;
Sensation as if something were being forced outward
Hearing difficult, as if the ear were stuffed
Thick, bland discharge; offensive odor
External ear swollen and red
Catarrhal otitis
Otalgia, worse at night
Diminishes acuteness of hearing.
ear; coldness; as if frozen;
ear; discharges from ear;
ear; discharges from ear; catarrh in Eustachian tube (tube connecting ear to nose);
ear; discharges from ear; after measles;
ear; discharges from ear; pus;
ear; discharges from ear; following disease;
ear; discharges from ear; thick;
ear; discharges from ear; yellow;
ear; discharges from ear; yellowish green;
ear; inflammation;
ear; inflammation; skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour);
ear; inflammation; Eustachian tube (tube connecting ear to nose); ;
ear; inflammation; media;
ear; itching; external ear; ;
ear; noises in ear;
ear; noises in ear; ringing;
ear; noises in ear; roaring;
ear; noises in ear; rushing; in time with pulse;
ear; pain;
ear; pain; night; ;
ear; pain; inside (in ear canal); ;
ear; pain; aching;
ear; pain; pressing;
ear; pain; pressing; outward;
ear; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp;
ear; pain; tearing in;
ear; pulsation; night; ;
ear; skin; discoloration; redness;
ear; skin; discoloration; redness; ear canal; ;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; behind ears; pus-filled pimples;
ear; stopped sensation;
ear; swelling;
ear; swelling; inside (ear canal); ;
ear; ear wax; black;
ear; ear wax; hardened;
hearing; impaired;
hearing; impaired; catarrh of Eustachian tube (tube connecting ear to nose);
hearing; impaired; after a cold; ;
hearing; impaired; after measles; ;
Coryza; stoppage of right nostril, pressing pain at root of nose
Loss of smell
Large green fetid scales in nose
Stoppage in evening
Yellow mucus; abundant in morning
Bad smells, as of old catarrh
Nasal bones sore.
nose; nose bleed;
nose; nose bleed; in women; when period is suppressed; ;
nose; catarrh;
nose; catarrh; open air;
nose; discharge from nose; bland;
nose; discharge from nose; burning;
nose; discharge from nose; greenish;
nose; discharge from nose; offensive smelling;
nose; discharge from nose; offensive smelling; from ulcer or disease of nasal bones;
nose; discharge from nose; suppressed;
nose; discharge from nose; thick;
nose; discharge from nose; watery; in open air; ;
nose; discharge from nose; yellow;
nose; discharge from nose; yellow; morning; ;
nose; discharge from nose; yellow; evening; ;
nose; discharge from nose; yellowish-green;
nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid;
nose; pain;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza);
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; evening; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; warm room; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); open air; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); running, wet;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); running, wet; in open air; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); running, wet; in warm room; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); dry; alternating with fluent;
nose; skin or lining of nose; powdery flaking skin nostrils (see discharges);
nose; skin or lining of nose; ulcers; wings; ;
nose; smell; lost sense of smell;
nose; sneezing;
nose; sneezing; in a warm room; ;
Right-sided neuralgia, with profuse lachrymation
Swelling of lower lip, which is cracked in middle
Prosopalgia towards evening till midnight; chilly, with pain.
face; congestion (see heat);
face; heat;
face; inflammation; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); ;
face; inflammation; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); spread of malignant tumour to breasts;
face; inflammation; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); spread of malignant tumour to testes;
face; lips; dryness;
face; pain; right; ;
face; pain; while walking in open air; becoming warm; ;
face; pain; wandering pain; ;
face; pain; warm room;
face; pain; extending to other parts; ears; ;
face; pain; sudden, sharp;
face; pain; tearing;
face; pain; tearing; evening; ;
face; pain; tearing; cold applications;
face; pain; tearing; extending to ear; ;
face; perspiration;
face; perspiration; during heat; ;
face; perspiration; on one side of face; ;
face; skin; discoloration; iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration);
face; skin; out-breaks on skin;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty, scabby; nose; inside and on nose; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; rash;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; red; erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour); erratic;
Greasy taste
Dry mouth, without thirst; wants it washed frequently
Frequently licks the dry lips
Crack in middle of lower lip
yellow or white tongue, covered with a tenacious mucus
Toothache; relieved by holding cold water in mouth ( Coff.) Offensive odor from mouth ( Merc.; Aur.) Food, especially bread, tastes bitter
Much SWEET saliva
Alterations of taste, bitter, bilious, greasy, salty, FOUL
Loss of taste
Desire for tonics.
mouth; discoloration; tongue; white;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; white; morning; ;
mouth; dryness; morning; ;
mouth; dryness; with no thirst;
mouth; dryness; tongue; ;
mouth; dryness; tongue; on waking; ;
mouth; dryness; tongue; without thirst;
mouth; odour (halitosis, bad breath); offensive; morning; ;
mouth; saliva; like cotton;
mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; morning; ;
mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; like cotton;
mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; collection of mucus on tongue (see sticky);
mouth; saliva; sweet (see taste);
mouth; taste; bad;
mouth; taste; bad; morning; ;
mouth; taste; bitter;
mouth; taste; bitter; morning; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; evening; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; during eating; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; after eating; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; food tastes bitter; after swallowing; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; while smoking; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; after smoking; ;
mouth; taste; clammy;
mouth; taste; clay-like;
mouth; taste; burnt;
mouth; taste; flavourless;
mouth; taste; nauseous;
mouth; taste; nauseous; morning; ;
mouth; taste; nauseous; from smoking; ;
mouth; taste; putrid;
mouth; taste; putrid; meat tastes putrid;
mouth; taste; slimy;
mouth; taste; slimy; from smoking; ;
mouth; taste; sticky after-taste;
mouth; taste; sweetish;
mouth; taste; tasteless, lacks taste;
mouth; taste; tasteless, lacks taste; tastelessness of food;
mouth; taste; tasteless, lacks taste; with running, or blocked nose;
mouth; tongue; tongue seems too wide;
mouth; teeth; pain; evening; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; cold air;
mouth; teeth; pain; cold; cold water;
mouth; teeth; pain; from heat; from warm drinks; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; from heat; from warm food; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; from heat; external warmth;
mouth; teeth; pain; from heat; from warm things; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; heat; warm bed;
mouth; teeth; pain; heat; warm room;
mouth; teeth; pain; from poisoning by quinine; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; walking; in open air;
mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; as if nerves were stretched;
mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; in warm room; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; as if being bitten;
mouth; teeth; pain; as if being bitten; evening; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; jerking; as if nerves were stretched and let loose;
mouth; teeth; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, stinging; with suppressed period;
mouth; teeth; tension;
throat; larynx (voice box); scraping, clearing;
throat; choking, constricting; on swallowing (compare stomach; retching); ;
throat; choking, constricting; on swallowing (compare stomach; retching); solids;
throat; dryness;
throat; dryness; morning; ;
throat; dryness; morning; while waking; ;
throat; sensation of something in throat; as from dust;
throat; sensation of something in throat; sulphur vapour;
throat; inflammation; larynx; from getting heated; ;
throat; irritation; larynx; ;
throat; mucus; morning; ;
throat; mucus; clinging; morning; ;
throat; mucus; clinging; night; ;
throat; pain; larynx; during heat; ;
throat; pain; rawness; larynx; from coughing; ;
throat; pain; sudden, sharp;
throat; tickling in the air passages; warm room; ;
throat; tickling in the air passages; larynx; ;
throat; tickling in the air passages; in trachea (wind pipe); ;
throat; voice; rough;
Stomach; Averse to fat food, warm food, and drink
Eructations; Taste of food remains a long time; after ices, fruits, pastry
Bitter taste, diminished taste of all food
Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration
Dislikes butter ( Sang.) Heartburn
Dyspepsia, with great tightness after a meal; must loosen clothing
Thirstlessness, with nearly all complaints
Vomiting of food eaten long before
Pain in stomach an hour after eating ( Nux.) Weight as from a stone, especially in morning on awakening
Gnawing, hungry feeling ( Abies c.) Perceptible pulsation in pit of stomach ( Asaf.) All-gone sensation, especially in Tea drinkers
Water brash, with foul taste in the morning.
Painful, distended; loud rumbling
Pressure as from a stone
Colic, with chilliness in evening.
abdomen; coldness; after eating; ;
abdomen; constriction; extending to bladder; ;
abdomen; emptiness;
abdomen; emptiness; pressure;
abdomen; flatulence; obstructed;
abdomen; heaviness; before period; ;
abdomen; as if something were in abdomen (movements, lumps, etc.); movements in abdomen; before stool; ;
abdomen; as if something were in abdomen (movements, lumps, etc.); sensation of stone in abdomen;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; gurgling;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; evening; ;
abdomen; pain; evening; ;
abdomen; pain; must bend double;
abdomen; pain; bending double;
abdomen; pain; in women; before period; ;
abdomen; pain; in women; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; before stool; ;
abdomen; pain; extending to other parts; to genitals; ;
abdomen; pain; extending to other parts; to testicles; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; comes on suddenly; ;
abdomen; pain; cutting; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down;
abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; through spermatic cords; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; downward;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; toward genitals;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; during period; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; as if period would come on;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; outwards;
abdomen; bladder; catarrh mucous-pus (see urine, sediment containing pus);
abdomen; bladder; inflammation;
abdomen; bladder; pain; comes on suddenly;
abdomen; bladder; urge to urinate, but producing nothing;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); frequent (see urination, frequent); when period is suppressed; ;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); ineffectual;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden; must hasten to urinate, or urine will escape;
abdomen; bladder; urination; dribbling (by drops);
abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; exposure to cold and wet;
abdomen; bladder; urination; interrupted (intermittent); cutting pain in swollen prostate with each spurt;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; during cough; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; during pregnancy; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; while sitting; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; while walking; ;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; shooting (see sudden, sharp); sore, bruised;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; butter;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; warm drinks;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; fats and rich food;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; warm food;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; meat;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; cold food;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; indistinct, knows not what;
abdomen; stomach; disordered;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; after fat food; ;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; ice cream; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; evening; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; night; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after eating butter; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after fats; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after rich food; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; bitter;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; bitter; night; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; fluid;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation);
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; tasting like food;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; tasting of meat; bad meat;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; nauseous;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; tasting of rancid animal fat;
abdomen; stomach; fullness; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion; after ice cream; ;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion; after meat; after pork; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; morning; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; during cough; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; after drinking; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating; rich food; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating; ice cream; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating; pork; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; in women; with suppressed period; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; warm drinks; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; evening; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; during chill; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; fatty food; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; rich food; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; warm food;
abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after fatty food; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; scraping;
abdomen; stomach; pulsation;
abdomen; stomach; retching; with cough;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; afternoon; 2 p.m.; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; before chill; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; after chill; ;
abdomen; stomach; without thirst;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; during headache; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour;
rectum; diarrhoea; night; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; open air;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; rich food; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; fruit; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; pastry; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after eating; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after not being careful what is eaten; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after opium; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after being over-heated; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after quinine; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; warm room;
rectum; flatulence;
rectum; flatulence; offensive;
rectum; haemorrhoids; internal;
rectum; pain; soreness;
rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after stool; ;
Rumbling, watery; worse, night
No two stools alike
After fruit ( Ars.; CHIN.) Blind hemorrhoid, with itching and sticking pains
Dysentery; mucus and blood, with chilliness ( Merc.; Rheum.) Two or three normal stools daily.
stool; strong and sharp (acrid), corrosive, wearing away skin;
stool; bilious;
stool; changeable;
stool; chopped food; eggs;
stool; flat;
stool; green;
stool; mucous, slimy;
stool; mucous, slimy; green;
stool; containing pus;
stool; watery;
stool; white;
Increased desire; Worse when lying down
Burning in orifice of urethra during and after micturition
Involuntary micturition at night, while coughing or passing flatus
After urinating, spasmodic pain in bladder.
urine; bloody;
urine; copious;
urine; sediment;
urine; sediment; bloody;
urine; sediment; mucous;
urine; sediment; red;
Female; Amenorrhoea ( Cimicif.; Senec.; Polygon.) Suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis
Tardy menses
Too late, scanty, thick, dark, Clotted, changeable, intermittent
Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure,
Male; Orchitis; pain from abdomen to testicles
Thick, yellow discharge from urethra; late stage of gonorrhoea
Stricture; urine passed only in drops, and stream interrupted ( Clemat.) acute prostatitis
Pain and tenesmus in urinating, Worse lying on back.
genitals; male; erections; painful (see urethra);
genitals; male; inflammation; spermatic cords; ;
genitals; male; inflammation; testes; ;
genitals; male; inflammation; testes; left; ;
genitals; male; inflammation; testes; from suppressed gonorrhoea; ;
genitals; male; inflammation; sperm tube; ;
genitals; male; pain; testes; ;
genitals; male; pain; testes; while sitting; ;
genitals; male; pain; aching; testes; ;
genitals; male; pain; burning; testes; ;
genitals; male; pain; burning; testes; with swelling;
genitals; male; pain; pressing; testes; ;
genitals; male; pain; sore; testes; ;
genitals; male; pain; sore; testes; evening; ;
genitals; male; pain; sore; testes; while sitting; ;
genitals; male; pain; tearing; testes; ;
genitals; male; sexual passion; increased;
genitals; male; sexual passion; suppressed;
genitals; male; swelling; spermatic cords; ;
genitals; male; swelling; testes; ;
genitals; male; swelling; testes; left; ;
genitals; male; swelling; testes; from mumps;
genitals; male; tubercles (nodules, knob-like lumps); spermatic cord; ;
genitals; male; tubercles (nodules, knob-like lumps); testes; ;
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); scrotum swollen by fluid accumulation;
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); scrotum swollen by fluid accumulation; of boys; ;
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); relaxed, scrotum;
genitals; male; prostate gland; enlargement;
genitals; male; prostate gland; inflammation;
genitals; male; prostate gland; pain; after urinating; ;
genitals; male; prostate gland; pain; pressing; after urinating; ;
genitals; female; after-birth; scanty;
genitals; female; after-birth; suppressed;
genitals; female; congestion; womb; ;
genitals; female; congestion; womb; during period; ;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; strong and sharp (acrid), wearing away skin;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; burning;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; cream-like;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; gonorrhoea;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; while lying;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; from masturbation; ;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; milky;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; thin, watery;
genitals; female; miscarriage;
genitals; female; inflammation; womb; ;
genitals; female; period; daytime only; ;
genitals; female; period; amenorrhoea (suppression or absence of period);
genitals; female; period; black;
genitals; female; period; changeable in appearance;
genitals; female; period; clotted;
genitals; female; period; dark;
genitals; female; period; first period delayed in girls;
genitals; female; period; intermittent;
genitals; female; period; late; ;
genitals; female; period; painful; from getting feet wet; ;
genitals; female; period; protracted;
genitals; female; period; scanty;
genitals; female; period; short duration;
genitals; female; period; suppressed;
genitals; female; period; suppressed; from getting feet wet; ;
genitals; female; period; thick;
genitals; female; period; thin;
genitals; female; metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding);
genitals; female; metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding); comes on suddenly;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); ;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); before period; ;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); during period; ;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); during period; makes her cry out;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); when period is suppressed; ;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); comes on suddenly; ;
genitals; female; pain; womb (see abdomen, pain); wandering; ;
genitals; female; pain; pains after giving birth; ;
genitals; female; pain; bearing down; womb, and region of womb (see labour-like pains, also pains in abdomen); during period; ;
genitals; female; pain; cutting; womb; ;
genitals; female; pain; labour-like;
genitals; female; pain; labour pains; ceasing;
genitals; female; pain; labour pains; false labour pains;
genitals; female; pain; labour pains; ineffectual;
genitals; female; pain; labour pains; irregular; ;
genitals; female; pain; labour pains; spasmodic;
genitals; female; pain; labour pains; weak;
genitals; female; pain; sore, tenderness; womb; during sexual intercourse; ;
genitals; female; prolapse; womb; ;
genitals; female; prolapse; womb; during period; ;
genitals; female; relaxation of muscles; womb; ;
genitals; female; sexual intercourse; desire increased;
genitals; female; sexual intercourse; desire increased; during period; ;
genitals; female; womb does not return to normal size after birth (subinvolution);
genitals; female; swollen;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); painful during erection;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); contraction;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); contraction; suppressed gonorrhoea;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); discharge; gonorrhoea;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); discharge; greenish; yellow;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); discharge; greenish; yellow; thick, with persistent, painful erection;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); discharge; yellow;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); discharge; yellow; chronic;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); haemorrhage; after suppressed gonorrhoea; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; after urinating; ;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); closing;
Capricious hoarseness; comes and goes
Dry cough in evening and at night; must sit up in bed to get relief; and loose cough in the morning;, with copious mucous expectoration
Pressure upon the chest and soreness
Great soreness of epigastrium
Urine emitted with cough ( Caust.) Pain as from ulcer in middle of chest
Expectoration bland, thick, bitter, greenish
Short breath, anxiety, and palpitation when lying on left side ( Phos.) Smothering sensation on lying down.
respiration; respiratory allergies (including hayfever);
respiration; asthma attack;
respiration; asthma attack; evening; ;
respiration; asthma attack; night; ;
respiration; asthma attack; in children; ;
respiration; asthma attack; after suppressed out-breaks on skin; ;
respiration; asthma attack; hysterical;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea);
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); open air;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); after eating; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); from suppressed measles; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); with suppressed period;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); wants doors and windows open;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); as if inhaled fumes of sulphur;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while walking; walking rapidly; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); from warmth; in a warm room;
respiration; loud; in sleep; ;
respiration; rattling;
respiration; like deep snoring; during sleep; ;
cough; morning; ;
cough; evening; ;
cough; night; ;
cough; open air;
cough; becoming warm in bed;
cough; constant; evening; ;
cough; constant; lying down;
cough; dry cough;
cough; dry cough; evening; ;
cough; dry cough; evening; lying down; ;
cough; dry cough; night;
cough; dry cough; night; sitting up;
cough; dry cough; expectoration only in morning; ;
cough; dry cough; while lying down; ;
cough; dry cough; from scraping in larynx; ;
cough; dry cough; from tickling in larynx; ;
cough; from emotions; on becoming heated;
cough; on exertion; physical exertion; ;
cough; on exertion; violent exertion; ;
cough; exhausting cough; night; ;
cough; exhausting cough; night; disturbing sleep;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); as from dust; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); from irritation in air passages; in larynx; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); scraping; from larynx; ;
cough; loose;
cough; loose; morning; ;
cough; while lying down; ;
cough; while lying down; evening; ;
cough; while lying down; evening; must sit up;
cough; while lying down; night; ;
cough; while lying down; must sit up;
cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep; preventing sleep;
cough; with measles; after measles; ;
cough; from mucus; in chest; ;
cough; comes on suddenly;
cough; racking;
cough; racking; sitting up;
cough; intermittent;
cough; sensation of sulphur fumes or vapour;
cough; tickling; larynx; ;
cough; violent;
cough; on becoming warm; in a warm room; ;
chest; anxiety; evening; ;
chest; anxiety; night; ;
chest; anxiety; while lying down; lying on left side; ;
chest; breast; milk; increased;
chest; breast; milk; in non-pregnant women;
chest; breast; milk; suppressed;
chest; catarrh;
chest; fullness; evening; ;
chest; fullness; heart; evening; ;
chest; heart; ;
chest; heart; palpitations;
chest; heart; palpitations; night; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; night; in bed; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; anxiety; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; after eating; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; during fever; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; while lying down; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; while lying down; side; left; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; after supper; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; tumultuous, violent, intense;
chest; inflammation; bronchial tubes (bronchitis); ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; when period is suppressed; ;
chest; lungs; haemorrhage (see expectoration); women; after suppression of period; ;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; acute;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; early stages;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; last stage;
chest; oppressed feeling;
chest; oppressed feeling; evening; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; in open air;
chest; oppressed feeling; heart; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; heart; evening; ;
chest; pain; bending forward;
chest; pain; during a cough; ;
chest; pain; while lying down; on side; sound; ;
chest; pain; lower chest; ;
chest; pain; heart; ;
chest; pain; heart; evening; ;
chest; pain; pressing; heart; evening; ;
chest; pain; sore, bruised;
chest; pain; sore, bruised; collar bone; below; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; wandering; ;
chest; pulsation; night; ;
chest; pulsation; night; interrupting sleep; ;
chest; swelling; breast;
Shooting pain in the nape and back, between shoulders; in sacrum after sitting.
back; coldness;
back; coldness; evening; ;
back; coldness; as if cold water spurted on back;
back; coldness; travelling down back; ;
back; coldness; travelling down back; like cold water poured down the back;
back; coldness; sacrum (base of spine); chilliness;
back; constriction; lumbar (lower half of back), as from a tight band; ;
back; pain;
back; pain; during chill; extending to back of head and top of head (occiput and vertex);
back; pain; while lying down; forcing to move, constantly in bed; which brings no relief;
back; pain; on gentle movement;
back; pain; when beginning to move; ;
back; pain; rising from sitting; ;
back; pain; rising from sitting; when sitting long, almost impossible to get up; ;
back; pain; rising from stooping; ;
back; pain; rising from stooping; after prolonged stooping; ;
back; pain; while sitting; after a long time sitting; ;
back; pain; in women; during labour; ;
back; pain; in women; before period; ;
back; pain; in women; from when period is suppressed; ;
back; pain; extending to other parts; back of head (occiput); and top of head (vertex), during chill; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); during period; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); when period is suppressed; ;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); on rising from a seat; ;
back; pain; lower back / base of spine; ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); during movement; ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); during movement;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); gentle movement;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); while walking; slow;
back; pain; aching; ;
back; pain; aching; before period; ;
back; pain; aching; after sitting for a long time; ;
back; pain; aching; lumbar (lower half of back); labour-like; ;
back; pain; aching; base of spine; ;
back; pain; compressing; lumbar (lower half of back); takes away the breath; ;
back; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; back of head and top of head (occiput and vertex), during chill; ;
back; pain; labour-like;
back; pain; labour-like; small of back; ;
back; pain; labour-like; small of back; during period; ;
back; pain; labour-like; base of spine; ;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); during period; ;
back; pain; as if sprained; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; as if sprained; lumbar (lower half of back); on movement; ;
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine); lumbar (lower half of back); ;
Drawing, tensive pain in thighs and legs, with restlessness, sleeplessness, and Chilliness
pain in limbs, shifting rapidly; tensive pain, Letting up with a snap
Numbness around elbow
Hip-joint painful
Knees swollen, with tearing drawing pains
Boring pain in heels toward evening; Suffering worse from letting the affected limb hang down ( Vipera.) Veins in forearms and hands swollen
Feet red, inflamed, swollen
Legs feel heavy and weary.
extremities, limbs; coldness; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; upper limbs; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; mental exertion; ;
extremities, limbs; pulling up limbs;
extremities, limbs; dryness; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; emaciated, extremely thin; diseased limb; ;
extremities, limbs; fullness; hand; veins of hand; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chilblains;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chilblains; inflamed;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chilblains; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chilblains; hands; itching;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chilblains; feet; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; chilblains; toes; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; burning; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; burning; uncovers them;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; sole; uncovers them;
extremities, limbs; heaviness; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; heaviness; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; inflammation; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; jerking; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); upper limbs; while lying on it; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); hand; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); lower limbs; during period; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); leg; during period; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); foot; with chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain;
extremities, limbs; pain; morning; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; open air;
extremities, limbs; pain; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; cold applications;
extremities, limbs; pain; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; on beginning to move; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; comes on suddenly;
extremities, limbs; pain; rheumatic;
extremities, limbs; pain; rheumatic; cold;
extremities, limbs; pain; wandering, shifting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; wet weather; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; in bones; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; morning; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; wandering; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; upper limbs; uncovering;
extremities, limbs; pain; upper limbs; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; cold;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); open air;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); warm room;
extremities, limbs; pain; hip; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; hip; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; thigh; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; thigh; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; knee; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower leg; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower leg; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; ankle; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; foot; heel; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; foot; heel; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; boring; foot; heel; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; boring; foot; heel; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; hand; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; back of; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; as if dislocated; hip; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; lower limbs; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; hip; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; thigh; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; thigh; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; thigh; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; thigh; when warm in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; knee; while walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; leg; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; leg; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; during heat; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; thigh; bone; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; as if sprained; joint; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; lower limbs; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; slow movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; while walking;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; cold;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; offensive smelling;
extremities, limbs; restlessness;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); lower limbs; during pregnancy; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); leg; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); leg; painful;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); leg; during pregnancy; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); leg; stinging;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); foot; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); foot; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; discoloration; red; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; felon (whitlow, onychia, paronychia, foot rot, etc.); beginning in nail; cold application;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; rash;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; burning;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; offensive smelling;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; mottled;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; knee; while walking; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; hand; veins; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; lower limbs; after poisoning by china; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; hot;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; painful;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; painless;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; glandular swellings;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; stinging;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; increases gradually and ceases suddenly;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; thigh; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; thigh; pulling;
extremities, limbs; tension, tightness; leg; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness);
extremities, limbs; tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness); upper limbs; side lain on; ;
extremities, limbs; inclination to uncover; feet; ;
Wide awake in the evening; first sleep restless
Wakes languid, unrefreshed
Irresistible sleepiness in afternoon
Sleeps with hands over head.
sleep; deep;
sleep; dreams; anxious;
sleep; dreams; confused;
sleep; dreams; frightful;
sleep; dreams; of misfortune;
sleep; dreams; pleasant;
sleep; position; arms over head;
sleep; position; arms on abdomen;
sleep; position; on back;
sleep; restless;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness; evening; ;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness; overpowering; afternoon; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; evening; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; evening; heat; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from before midnight; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; with sleepiness;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from thoughts; from activity of mind;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from thoughts; same idea always repeated;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; twitching of the limbs;
sleep; waking; from cough; ;
sleep; waking; frequent; ;
sleep; yawning; before period; ;
chill; noon; ;
chill; afternoon; ;
chill; afternoon; following heat; ;
chill; evening; ;
chill; evening; after lying down; ;
chill; evening; with the pains;
chill; night; before midnight; ;
chill; open air;
chill; open air; exercise in open air;
chill; in bed; ;
chill; in bed; when turning over in bed; ;
chill; changing type;
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature);
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature); evening; ;
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature); before period; ;
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature); during period; ;
chill; from coughing; ;
chill; eating warm things;
chill; when not careful what is eaten; ;
chill; external; in spots; ;
chill; when heated, overheated; ;
chill; internal; ;
chill; in women; before period; ;
chill; in women; during period; ;
chill; after movement; ;
chill; movement;
chill; with pain;
chill; periodic, recurring; recurring daily; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; recurring every third day; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; every fourth day; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; irregular; ;
chill; with perspiration;
chill; with fever, but chill predominating; afternoon; ;
chill; with fever, but chill predominating; evening; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors;
chill; sides, one-sided; ;
chill; single parts; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 1 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 4 p.m.; ;
chill; in warmth; in warm room; not relieved in warm room, nor by a warm heater;
chill; warmth is unbearable;
Chilliness, even in warm room, Without thirst
Chilly with pains, in spots, worse evening
Chill about 4 P.M
Intolerable burning heat at night, with distended veins; heat in parts of body, coldness in other
One-sided sweat; pains during sweat
External heat is intolerable, veins are distended
During apyrexia, headache, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea.
fever; morning; in bed; ;
fever; afternoon; ;
fever; afternoon; after lying down; ;
fever; afternoon; 2 p.m.; ;
fever; afternoon; 2 p.m.; followed by chill at 4 p.m.; ;
fever; evening; ;
fever; evening; on entering the room; ;
fever; night; ;
fever; night; with perspiration;
fever; in bed (see night and warmth);
fever; localised; stomach (gastric fever); ;
fever; burning heat;
fever; burning heat; evening; ;
fever; burning heat; night; ;
fever; burning heat; night; intolerable burning heat in bed; ;
fever; attacks changing;
fever; attacks changing; after poisoning by quinine; ;
fever; attacks changing; no two attacks are alike;
fever; fever without chill; afternoon; 2 p.m.; ;
fever; fever without chill; evening; ;
fever; with chilliness;
fever; continued fever; evening; ;
fever; dry heat; evening; ;
fever; dry heat; evening; swollen veins and burning hands that seek out cool places;
fever; fever with skin out-break; measles;
fever; external heat;
fever; inflammatory fever;
fever; intense heat;
fever; intense heat; with delirium;
fever; comes on suddenly; increasing in severity;
fever; comes on suddenly; irregular;
fever; comes on suddenly; irregular; long chill, little heat, no thirst;
fever; perspiration with heat;
fever; one-sided; ;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; chill followed by heat;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; chill followed by heat, then sweat;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; heat followed by chill;
fever; aversion to uncovering;
fever; desire to uncover;
fever; warmth;
fever; warmth; covering;
fever; warmth; warm room;
fever; washing;
fever; in women; from childbirth; ;
perspiration; morning; after heat; ;
perspiration; morning; during sleep; ;
perspiration; evening; lasting all night; ;
perspiration; night; ;
perspiration; night; lasting all night without relief; talkative;
perspiration; night; during sleep; ;
perspiration; night; during dazed slumber; ;
perspiration; odour; offensive;
perspiration; when indoors; ;
perspiration; one-sided; ;
perspiration; one-sided; left; ;
perspiration; single parts; ;
perspiration; during sleep; ;
perspiration; when waking from sleep;
Urticaria, after rich food, with diarrhoea, from delayed menses, worse undressing
Acne at puberty
Varicose veins.
skin; chapping;
skin; cracks;
skin; discoloration; moles (see abnormal growths);
skin; discoloration; pale;
skin; dry; burning;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; gnawing, biting;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning; around about ulcer; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; cold air;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; cold application;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; deep;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; copious;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; offensive; putrid;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; yellow;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with deep hole (fistula);
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; hardened;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; hardened; with red circle around;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; itching; around about; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with jerking pain;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; mottled with red circle;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; painful; around about; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; red with red circle;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; sensitive;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; sensitive; around ulcers; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; smarting;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; stinging, sudden, sharp;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; stinging, sudden, sharp; in red circle around;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; generating pus;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; generating pus; with pain;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; swollen;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; swollen; with red circle;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; tense;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; tense; with red circle;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; varicose;
skin; inflammation;
skin; itching;
skin; itching; gnawing, biting;
skin; itching; burning;
skin; itching; crawling;
skin; itching; scratching;
skin; itching; unchanged by scratching;
skin; itching; stinging;
skin; loss of feeling;
skin; out-breaks on skin; gnawing, biting;
skin; out-breaks on skin; chicken-pox;
skin; out-breaks on skin; discharging, moist; white;
skin; out-breaks on skin; discharging, moist; yellow;
skin; out-breaks on skin; measles;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pimples;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular);
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); rose coloured patches;
skin; out-breaks on skin; stinging;
skin; pain; gnawing, biting;
skin; pain; ulcerative pain;
skin; sticking;
skin; swelling;
skin; swelling; of parts affected with symptoms;
skin; swelling; bluish-black;
skin; swelling; fluid in tissues;
skin; swelling; hard;
skin; swelling; inflamed;
skin; swelling; stinging;
skin; swollen sensation;
injuries and accidents; injuries in general;
injuries and accidents; poisoning; poisoning by quinine;
injuries and accidents; poisoning; poisoning by sulphur;
generalities; morning; ;
generalities; afternoon; ;
generalities; evening; ;
generalities; evening; twilight;
generalities; night; ;
generalities; night; before midnight; ;
generalities; desire for open air;
generalities; open air;
generalities; anaemia;
generalities; anaemia; as from iron deficiency - greenish yellow skin;
generalities; general physical anxiety;
generalities; bathing;
generalities; bathing; the affected part;
generalities; change of position;
generalities; becoming heated;
generalities; blood vessels; congestion of blood;
generalities; blood vessels; excited, rapid blood flow; after emotions;
generalities; blood vessels; veins and arteries swollen from inner pressure, during fever (distended);
generalities; blood vessels; veins and arteries swollen from inner pressure;
generalities; blood vessels; veins and arteries swollen from inner pressure; evening; ;
generalities; blood vessels; varicose veins;
generalities; blood vessels; varicose veins; painful;
generalities; blood vessels; varicose veins; during pregnancy; ;
generalities; constriction; internally;
generalities; constriction; bones; ;
generalities; constriction; sensation of a band;
generalities; contradictory and alternating states;
generalities; convulsions; internal; ;
generalities; dehydration;
generalities; eating and food; after eating; ;
generalities; eating and food; when eating to satiety; ;
generalities; eating and food; bread;
generalities; eating and food; bread; and butter;
generalities; eating and food; buckwheat;
generalities; eating and food; butter;
generalities; eating and food; fat;
generalities; eating and food; frozen food;
generalities; eating and food; fruit;
generalities; eating and food; pancakes;
generalities; eating and food; pastry;
generalities; eating and food; pork;
generalities; eating and food; rich;
generalities; eating and food; warm food;
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin); parts affected with disease; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting;
generalities; faintness, fainting; in a close room; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; in a crowded street; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; from heat; warm room; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; during labour; ;
generalities; haemorrhage;
generalities; heaviness; externally; ;
generalities; heaviness; internally; ;
generalities; inflammation; externally; ;
generalities; inflammation; internally; ;
generalities; inflammation; bones; ;
generalities; jerking; internally; ;
generalities; lying down; lying down;
generalities; lying down; after lying down;
generalities; lying down; after lying down;
generalities; lying down; lying on back;
generalities; lying down; lying in bed;
generalities; lying down; lying on side; on left side;
generalities; lying down; lying on side; on painless side;
generalities; after measles; ;
generalities; movement; at beginning of movement;
generalities; movement; after;
generalities; movement;
generalities; movement; of affected part;
generalities; movement; continued movement;
generalities; mucous secretions increased;
generalities; numbness; internally; parts lain on; ;
generalities; numbness; internally; in single parts; ;
generalities; numbness; internally; of suffering parts; ;
generalities; pain; bones; ;
generalities; pain; parts recently lain on; ;
generalities; pain; boring;
generalities; pain; burning externally; internally; ;
generalities; pain; burning externally; glands; ;
generalities; pain; constricting; externally;
generalities; pain; cutting; internally;
generalities; pain; gnawing, biting; internally;
generalities; pain; jerking; externally; ;
generalities; pain; jerking; internally; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; externally; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; internally; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; from within outward;
generalities; pain; as if scraped;
generalities; pain; sore, bruised; internally; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; externally; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; internally; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; bones; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; glands; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; muscles; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; muscles; tearing in muscles;
generalities; pain; tearing; externally;
generalities; pain; tearing; internally;
generalities; pain; tearing; glands; ;
generalities; pain; tearing; muscles; jerking in muscles;
generalities; pain; ulcerative; externally; ;
generalities; pain; ulcerative; internally; ;
generalities; pain; wandering;
generalities; paralysis; of organs; ;
generalities; in women; symptoms before period; ;
generalities; in women; symptoms during period; ;
generalities; in women; symptoms when breast feeding children; ;
generalities; pressure; on painless side;
generalities; pressure;
generalities; pulsation;
generalities; pulsation; internally; ;
generalities; rubbing;
generalities; running;
generalities; sensitive; externally; ;
generalities; sensitive; to pain;
generalities; suppression of sexual desire;
generalities; symptoms not symmetrical; right; ;
generalities; while sitting;
generalities; before sleep;
generalities; at beginning of sleep;
generalities; during sleep;
generalities; standing;
generalities; stretching;
generalities; stretching; before urination; ;
generalities; from sun; from exposure to sun; ;
generalities; swelling; in general; ;
generalities; swelling; of affected parts; ;
generalities; swelling; bones; ;
generalities; swelling; swollen sensation;
generalities; swelling; swollen sensation; glands; ;
generalities; tension; externally; ;
generalities; tension; internally; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; sensation of heat;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; sensation of heat; eating warm food; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); becoming cold;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); after becoming cold;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm room;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm bed;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm air;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; becoming warm in open air;
generalities; tobacco;
generalities; trembling; externally; ;
generalities; vaults, cellars, etc.;
generalities; vomiting;
generalities; on waking; ;
generalities; walking; beginning of walk;
generalities; walking;
generalities; walking;
generalities; walking; in open air;
generalities; walking; walking slowly;
generalities; warmth;
generalities; warmth; warm room;
generalities; warmth; warm bed;
generalities; warmth; warm air;
generalities; warmth; becoming warm in open air;
generalities; wraps;
generalities; from getting wet; ;
generalities; from getting wet; feet; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); morning; in bed; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); morning; while lying; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); mental exertion; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); nervous weakness;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); on waking; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); warm room; ;
generalities; weariness (see weakness);
generalities; wet weather; ;
generalities; from wind; ;
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