Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lycopodium Clavatum

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like', in a tiny dilution - so the indications below are what a healthy person would feel if taking Lycopodium Clavatum. If your symptoms fit within the symptoms below, then Lycopodium Clavatum would be a good bet.

The following are the strongest indications of Lycopodium Clavatum for its use in homeopathy. Entries on a white background are from Boericke's Materia Medica, other entries are from a reversed Kent's repertory. Homeopathic remedies are not the same as herbal remedies.

Please remember though, this homeopathy materia medica is provided for information only, with no guarantee of accuracy; it is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor as a claim for the effectiveness of Lycopodium Clavatum in treating any of the symptoms below. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical advice - minor symptoms can often be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Homeopathic remedies are very dilute, and while the homeopathic remedy may be beneficial, the raw product may be harmful.

To purchase Lycopodium Clavatum and other homeopathic remedies online, please click the button above.

This drug is inert until the spores are crushed. Its wonderful medicinal properties are only disclosed by trituration and succussion.
In nearly all cases where Lycopodium Clavatum is the remedy, some evidence of urinary or digestive disturbance will be found. Corresponds to Grauvogle’s carbo-nitrogenoid constitution, the non-eliminative lithemic. Lycopodium is adapted more especially to ailments gradually developing, functional power weakening, with failures of the digestive powers, where the function of the liver is seriously disturbed. Atony. malnutrition. Mild temperaments of lymphatic constitutions, with catarrhal tendencies; older persons, where the skin shows yellowish spots, earthy complexion, uric acid diathesis, etc.; also precocious, weakly children. Symptoms characteristically run from right to left, acts especially on RIGHT side of body, and are worse from about 4 to 8 P.M. In kidney affections, Red sand in urine, backache, in renal region; worse before urination. Intolerant of cold drinks; Craves everything warm. Best adapted to persons intellectually keen, but of weak, muscular power. Deep-seated, progressive, chronic diseases. Carcinoma. Emaciation. Debility in morning. Marked regulating influence upon the glandular (sebaceous) secretions. Pre-senility. Ascites, in liver disease. Lycop. patient is thin, withered, full of gas and dry. Lacks vital heat; has poor circulation, cold extremities. Pains come and go suddenly. Sensitive to noise and odors.
Throat and stomach are better from warm drinks.
Better, by motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting cold, from being uncovered.
WORSE, right side, from right to left, from above downward, 4 to 8 p.m.; from heat or warm room, hot air, bed. Warm applications
Complementary: Lycop. acts with special benefit After calcar. and Sulphur. Iod.; Graphites; Lach.; Chelidon.
Antidotes: Camph.; Puls.; Caust.
Compare: Carbo-nitrogenoid Constitution: Sulphur; Rhus; Urtica; Mercur.; Hepar. Alumina ( Lycop. is the only vegetable that takes up aluminum. T. F. Allen.) Ant. c.; Nat-m.; Bry.; Nux; Bothrops (Day-blindness; can scarcely see after sunrise; pain in right great toe). Plumbago Littoralis - A Brazilian plant - (Costive with red urine, pain in kidneys and joints and body generally; milky saliva, ulcerated mouth). Hydrast. follows Lycopodium Clavatum. in indigestion.
expectoration; greyish;
expectoration; greenish;
expectoration; rusty;
expectoration; white;
expectoration; yellow;
expectoration; copious;
expectoration; mucous;
expectoration; noticeable smell; offensive smell;
expectoration; containing pus;
expectoration; noticeable taste; salty;
Melancholy, afraid to be alone
Little things annoy
Extremely sensitive
Averse to undertaking new things
Headstrong and haughty when sick
Loss of self-confidence
Hurried when eating
Constant fear of breaking down under stress
Weak memory, confused thoughts; Spells or writes wrong words and syllables
Failing brain-power ( Anac.; Phos.; Baryt.) Cannot bear to see anything new
Cannot read what he writes
Sadness in morning on awaking.
mind; aversions, dislikes; being approached;
mind; behaviour; shrieking;
mind; behaviour; shrieking; during sleep; ;
mind; behaviour; shrieking; before urinating; ;
mind; delirium;
mind; delirium; raging, raving;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; desire for open air;
mind; desires, wants; company;
mind; desires, wants; to kill; on waking; ;
mind; symptoms follow intense emotions; fright;
mind; mental exertion;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); evening; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with silent grief;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); from contradiction; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cowardice;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; haughty;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability; morning; on waking; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability; during chill; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; irritability; on waking; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; laughing; during sleep; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; loathing; life (see desires, death); morning; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mood; alternating mood;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mood; changeable, variable mood;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; rage, fury (see insanity, mania, delirium);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; rudeness;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; rudeness; insolent;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; sensitive, oversensitive;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; suspicious;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; lamenting, regretting;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m.; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); aloud;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); during the chill; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); while perspiring; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting); when thanked; ;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; difficulty concentrating;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; while walking; walking in open air;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; confusion; in a warm room; ;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish; in open air;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish; walking in open air;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; imbecility;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; speaking; wrong syllables;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; in writing;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; mistakes; using wrong words;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; weakness of mind;
mind; intellectual faculties; ideas; deficiency of ideas;
mind; insanity;
mind; insanity; mania, madness;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; in house;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; while walking; in open air; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being alone (see company);
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of people;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of people; men;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; on falling asleep; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; timidity;
mind; memory; forgetful;
mind; memory; weakness of memory;
mind; ailments after death of part of body; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; night; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; in a room; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; while sitting; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; walking in open air;
mind; mental symptoms from sexual excesses;
mind; talking, conversation; intolerant of contradiction;
mind; talking, conversation; speech; wandering;
vertigo, dizziness;
vertigo, dizziness; morning; ;
vertigo, dizziness; morning; on rising; ;
vertigo, dizziness; morning; after rising; ;
Shakes head without apparent cause
Twists face and mouth
Pressing headache on vertex; worse from 4 to 8 P.M
and from lying down or stooping, if not eating regularly ( Cact.) Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing
Headaches over eyes in severe colds; Better, uncovering ( Sulph.) Vertigo in morning on rising
Pain in temples, as if they were screwed toward each other
Tearing pain in occiput; better, fresh air
Great falling out of hair
Eczema; moist oozing behind ears
Deep furrows on forehead
Premature baldness and gray hair.
head; brain; paralysis of brain; early stages;
head; brain; pulsating in brain; on leaning head back; ;
head; congestion (see pulsation);
head; pulled; sideways;
head; pulled; sideways; to right;
head; pulled; sideways; before epilepsy; ;
head; hair; falling;
head; hair; falling; after childbirth; ;
head; hair; becomes grey;
head; movements of head; shaking the head, involuntarily, so gets dizzy;
head; pain, headache; afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m.; ;
head; pain, headache; night; ;
head; pain, headache; air; open (see walking in open air);
head; pain, headache; eyes and vision (affecting or affected by); from straining eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; with running or blocked nose;
head; pain, headache; from emotions; from becoming heated; ;
head; pain, headache; from exertion; mental exertion; ;
head; pain, headache; in women; during period; ;
head; pain, headache; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; walking; while; ;
head; pain, headache; walking; while walking;
head; pain, headache; walking; in open air;
head; pain, headache; from warmth; in warm bed; ;
head; pain, headache; from wrapping up head; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; hammering in forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; middle; hammering;
head; pain, headache; temples; ;
head; pain, headache; temples; on coughing; ;
head; pain, headache; temples; during period; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); when indoors; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); temples; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); temples; during period; ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); temples; as with screws;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); top of head (vertex); ;
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); top of head (vertex); afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m.; ;
head; pain, headache; stitching, sudden, sharp; temples; ;
head; pain, headache; tearing, rending;
head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; ;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; eczema;
head; skin and scalp; itching;
head; skin and scalp; itching; when warm from exercise; ;
head; pulsating;
head; pulsating; bending head backward; ;
head; pulsating; from coughing; ;
head; pulsating; on leaning head backward; ;
head; shocks, blows, jerks, etc. (see jerking pain, pulsation, plug, nail); temples; ;
head; shocks, blows, jerks, etc. (see jerking pain, pulsation, plug, nail); temples; during cough; ;
head; warm coverings on head;
Styes on lids near internal canthus
Day-blindness ( Bothrops.) Night-blindness more characteristic
Sees only one-half of an object
Ulceration and redness of lids
Eyes half open during sleep.
eye; lids; granular lids;
eye; lids; eyes open; eyes permanently open;
eye; lids; stuck together;
eye; lids; stuck together; night; ;
eye; discoloration; redness; lids; ;
eye; discharges of mucus or pus; from out-breaks on skin; ;
eye; dryness;
eye; growth, tumour; sty;
eye; eye feels hot;
eye; inflammation;
eye; inflammation; arthritic (gouty and rheumatic);
eye; inflammation; wounds; lids; ;
eye; pain;
eye; pain; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
eye; pain; afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m.; ;
eye; pain; during heat; ;
eye; pain; pressing;
eye; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; evening; ;
eye; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; evening; when looking at light; ;
eye; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; when looking at anything white or red, or at the sun; ;
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia);
eye; skin around eyes (see face); cracks in corner;
eye; staring;
eye; tears;
eye; ulceration; lids; ;
vision; dazzling; trembling objects (see dazzling); evening by light; ;
vision; dazzling; trembling objects (see dazzling); in artificial light; ;
vision; dim;
vision; exertion of vision;
vision; feathery;
vision; lost vision, blindness; evening; caused by light; ;
vision; lost vision, blindness; evening; twilight; ;
vision; lost vision, blindness; night; ;
Thick, yellow, offensive discharge
Eczema about and behind ears
Otorrhoea and deafness with or without tinnitus; after scarlatina
Humming and roaring with hardness of hearing; every noise causes peculiar echo in ear.
ear; discharges from ear;
ear; discharges from ear; greenish pus;
ear; discharges from ear; offensive smelling;
ear; discharges from ear; pus;
ear; discharges from ear; after scarlet fever;
ear; heat; flushes of heat;
ear; inflammation; inside; ;
ear; inflammation; media;
ear; noises in ear;
ear; noises in ear; buzzing;
ear; noises in ear; humming;
ear; noises in ear; reverberating, echoes;
ear; noises in ear; ringing;
ear; noises in ear; roaring;
ear; noises in ear; roaring; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
ear; noises in ear; rushing;
ear; noises in ear; whizzing;
ear; pain;
ear; pain; tearing in;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; powdery flaking skin;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; behind ears; ;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; behind ears; eczema;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; behind ears; scabby;
ear; skin; out-breaks on skin; in ear canal; powdery flaking skin;
ear; stopped sensation;
hearing; impaired;
hearing; impaired; after scarlet fever; ;
hearing; lost, deafness;
hearing; lost, deafness; after scarlet fever; ;
hearing; too sensitive; to noises; ;
Sense of smell very acute
Feeling of dryness posteriorly
Scanty excoriating, discharge anteriorly
Ulcerated nostrils
Crusts and elastic plugs ( Kal
b., tenc.) Fluent coryza
Nose stopped up
Snuffles; child starts from sleep rubbing nose
Fan-like motion of alae nasi (kali
Brom.; Phos.)
nose; catarrh;
nose; catarrh; extending to frontal sinuses (lower forehead); ;
nose; discharge from nose; grey;
nose; discharge from nose; containing pus;
nose; discharge from nose; yellow;
nose; dryness; inside; ;
nose; dryness; behind nostrils;
nose; liquids come out through nose on attempting to swallow;
nose; movement of wings of nose; fanning;
nose; movement of wings of nose; fanning; in pneumonia;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; night; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; breast feeding infants; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; with pus; night; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; during sleep; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); violent attacks;
nose; smell; acute, over sensitive;
nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to strong odours;
nose; snuffles (see obstruction);
nose; snuffles (see obstruction); in new-born infants; ;
nose; swelling;
Grayish-yellow color of face, with blue circles around eyes
Withered, shriveled, and emaciated; copper-colored eruption
Dropping of lower jaw, in typhoid fever ( Lach.; Opium.) Itching; scaly herpes in face and corner of mouth.
face; expression; confused;
face; expression; sickly;
face; freckles;
face; heat; hot flashes;
face; inflammation; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); right; then left; ;
face; motions of jaw; dropping of jaw;
face; lips; discoloration; bluish;
face; pain; afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m.; ;
face; pain; burning (see heat);
face; pain; tearing;
face; pain; tearing; cheek bones; ;
face; perspiration;
face; skin; discoloration; iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration);
face; skin; discoloration; bluish; circles around eyes;
face; skin; discoloration; dirty looking;
face; skin; discoloration; greyish;
face; skin; discoloration; greyish; yellow;
face; skin; discoloration; pale;
face; skin; discoloration; red; within definite boundaries;
face; skin; discoloration; sickly colour;
face; skin; discoloration; yellow;
face; skin; drawn, pulled;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; moist;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; moist;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; pimples;
face; skin; wrinkled; forehead; with chest symptoms;
face; swelling;
face; swelling; fluid accumulation;
face; swelling; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); right; then left; ;
face; swelling; submaxillary gland (gland under jaw, by throat); ;
face; twitching;
Teeth excessively painful to touch
Toothache, with swelling of cheeks; relieved by warm application
Dryness of mouth and tongue, without thirst
Tongue dry, black, cracked, swollen; oscillates to and from
Mouth waters
Blisters on tongue
Bad odor from mouth.
mouth; dryness;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; blisters; tongue; ;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; blisters; tongue; burning;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; blisters; tongue; tip; ;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; ulcers; tongue; under; ;
mouth; open;
mouth; paralysis; tongue; ;
mouth; taste; bitter; night; ;
mouth; taste; sour;
mouth; teeth; pain; night; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, stinging;
Dryness of throat, without thirst
Food and drink regurgitates through nose
Inflammation of throat, with stitches on swallowing; Better, warm drinks
Swelling and suppuration of tonsils
Ulceration of tonsils, Beginning on right side
Diphtheria; Deposits spread from right to left; worse, cold drinks
Ulceration of vocal bands
Tubercular laryngitis, especially when ulceration commences.
throat; choking, constricting;
throat; choking, constricting; on swallowing (compare stomach; retching); ;
throat; discoloration; redness;
throat; dryness;
throat; sensation of something in throat; as from dust;
throat; sensation of something in throat; lump; rising sensation;
throat; sensation of something in throat; sulphur vapour;
throat; hawks often;
throat; inflammation;
throat; inflammation; right; ;
throat; irritation; larynx; ;
throat; irritation; trachea (wind pipe); ;
throat; liquids drunk are forced into nose;
throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.;
throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; right; ;
throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; right; extending to left; ;
throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; tonsils; ;
throat; mucus; in the air passages; ;
throat; mucus; larynx; ;
throat; mucus; trachea (wind pipe); ;
throat; pain; right; ;
throat; pain; swallowing; on swallowing; ;
throat; pain; warmth; warm drinks;
throat; pain; burning;
throat; pain; rawness;
throat; pain; rawness; trachea (wind pipe, see chest); ;
throat; pain; sore;
throat; pain; sore; right; ;
throat; pain; sore; right; extending to left; ;
throat; swelling; tonsils; ;
throat; swelling; tonsils; from fluid build-up;
throat; tickling in the air passages; ;
throat; tickling in the air passages; evening; ;
throat; tickling in the air passages; larynx; ;
throat; external throat; swelling;
throat; external throat; swelling; cervical glands (on side of neck); ;
throat; external throat; contracted neck muscles;
throat; external throat; contracted neck muscles; pulled to left;
Stomach; Dyspepsia due to farinaceous and fermentable food, cabbage, beans, etc
Excessive hunger
Aversion to bread, etc
Desire for sweet things
Food tastes sour
Sour eructations
Great weakness of digestion
Bulimia, with much bloating
After eating, pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in mouth
Eating ever so little creates fullness
Cannot eat oysters
Rolling of flatulence ( Chin.; carb.) Wakes at night feeling hungry
Incomplete burning eructations rise only to pharynx, there burn for hours
Likes to take food and drink hot
Sinking sensation; worse night.
Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is Bloated, full
Constant sense of fermentation in abdomen, like yeast working; upper left side
Hernia, right side
Liver sensitive
Brown spots on abdomen
Dropsy, due to hepatic disease
Hepatitis, atrophic form of Nutmeg liver
Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left.
abdomen; sensitive to clothing;
abdomen; constriction; behind lower ribs; ;
abdomen; bloated; after eating; ;
abdomen; bloated; passing flatulence;
abdomen; bloated; after stool; ;
abdomen; bloated; trapped wind; ;
abdomen; enlarged; liver; ;
abdomen; flatulence; after eating; ;
abdomen; flatulence; here and there; ;
abdomen; flatulence; before stool; ;
abdomen; flatulence; after stool; ;
abdomen; flatulence; behind lower ribs; ;
abdomen; heaviness;
abdomen; heaviness; sides; ;
abdomen; heaviness; sides; left; ;
abdomen; heaviness; as if something heavy on left side of abdomen; ;
abdomen; hernia; groin; ;
abdomen; inflammation;
abdomen; inflammation; liver; ;
abdomen; inflammation; liver; chronic;
abdomen; as if something were in abdomen (movements, lumps, etc.); movements in abdomen; up and down;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; fermentation;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; fermentation; during period; ;
abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; passing flatulence;
abdomen; pain; afternoon; ;
abdomen; pain; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
abdomen; pain; with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception); pain in region of liver; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; right; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; right; after eating until full; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; right; extending to back; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; afternoon; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; on breathing; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; after dancing; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; on breathing in; ;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; jarring;
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; extending to other parts; backward; ;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; before period; ;
abdomen; pain; liver; ;
abdomen; pain; liver; colic, gall-stones;
abdomen; pain; liver; after eating; to full; ;
abdomen; pain; liver; when touched; ;
abdomen; pain; liver; extending to other parts; back; ;
abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; sides; right; ;
abdomen; pain; cutting; extending from right to left; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing;
abdomen; pain; pressing; behind lower ribs; right; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; behind lower ribs; on breathing; ;
abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs; ;
abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs; right; ;
abdomen; skin; discoloration; brown spots;
abdomen; skin; discoloration; yellow; brown spots;
abdomen; skin; sensitive skin;
abdomen; swelling; from watery fluid; abdominal cavity; ;
abdomen; swelling; liver; ;
abdomen; tension;
abdomen; bladder; catarrh mucous-pus (see urine, sediment containing pus);
abdomen; bladder; gall stones;
abdomen; bladder; inflammation;
abdomen; bladder; pain; pressing, pressure;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); night; ;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); painful; in children; child cries;
abdomen; bladder; urination; dribbling (by drops); afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; while perspiring; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; delayed, difficult; must wait for urine to start;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; afternoon; 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; ;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; after urination;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; ureters (tubes between kidneys and bladder); right side; ;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; aching; while urinating;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; cutting; ureters (tubes between kidneys and bladder); ;
abdomen; kidneys; pain; sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking; extending to other parts; down ureters (tubes between kidneys and bladder); ;
abdomen; kidneys; suppression of urine;
abdomen; stomach; anxiety; after stress; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; easily satisfied;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); night; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); eating increases the hunger;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; insatiable;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; eating increases the hunger;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; eating increases the hunger; soon after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; without enjoying food (see aversion to food); until begins to eat; ;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; all food; until tasted, then ravenous;
abdomen; stomach; cancer;
abdomen; stomach; clothing disturbs;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; sweets;
abdomen; stomach; distended (swollen from inner pressure); after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; disordered;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; oysters; ;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; not relieved by eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; strong and sharp (acrid);
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; bitter; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; bitter; food comes up; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); bitter tasting;
abdomen; stomach; fullness; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; fullness; after eating very little;
abdomen; stomach; heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); afternoon; ;
abdomen; stomach; heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion;
abdomen; stomach; indigestion; after onions; ;
abdomen; stomach; inflammation;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; open air;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; while fasting; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; in a warm room; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; afternoon; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; from coughing; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; while sitting; sitting bent over; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; evening; in bed; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after eating; small amount; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness); clothing;
abdomen; stomach; tension;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; noon; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; after perspiring; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; for small quantities;
abdomen; stomach; ulcers;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour; during chill;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour; during fever; ;
rectum; constriction, contraction, closure, etc.;
rectum; constriction, contraction, closure, etc.; preventing stool; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after eating; ;
rectum; flatulence;
rectum; haemorrhage from anus;
rectum; pain; while sitting down; ;
rectum; pain; during stool; ;
rectum; pain; pressing (pressure); during stool; ;
rectum; pain; soreness;
rectum; prolapse; during stool; ;
rectum; skin and lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
rectum; skin and lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); must rub anus until raw;
rectum; skin and lining; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); perineum (between rectum and genitals); ;
Inactive intestinal canal
Ineffectual urging
Stool Hard, difficult, small, incomplete
Hemorrhoids; very painful to touch, aching ( Mur-ac.)
stool; brown;
stool; dry;
stool; hard;
stool; hard; first hard, then fluid;
stool; knotty, nodular, lumpy;
stool; light-coloured;
stool; lumpy and liquid (see knotty);
stool; mucous, slimy; red;
stool; thin, liquid;
stool; thin, liquid; formed then thin afterwards;
stool; thin, liquid; lumpy and liquid;
stool; yellow;
Pain in back before urinating; ceases after flow; Slow in coming, must strain
Polyuria during the night
heavy red sediment
Child cries before urinating ( Bor.)
urine; albuminous (white, thick);
urine; albuminous (white, thick); after scarlet fever; ;
urine; cloudy; when standing up; ;
urine; copious; evening; ;
urine; copious; night; ;
urine; copious; relieving pain in back;
urine; frothy;
urine; milky;
urine; sediment;
urine; sediment; kidney stones;
urine; sediment; sand;
urine; sediment; sand; gravel (small stones forming in body);
urine; sediment; sand; red (brick-dust);
urine; sugar in urine;
Male; No erectile power; Impotence
Premature emission ( Calad.; Sel.; Agn.) Enlarged prostate
Female; Menses too late; last too long, too profuse
Vagina dry
Coition painful
Right ovarian pain
Varicose veins of pudenda
Leucorrhoea, acrid, with burning in vagina
Discharge of blood from genitals during stool.
genitals; male; withered; penis; ;
genitals; male; aversion to sexual intercourse;
genitals; male; coldness; penis; ;
genitals; male; erections; incomplete;
genitals; male; erections; incomplete; during sexual intercourse; ;
genitals; male; erections; impotency;
genitals; male; erections; impotency; penis relaxed when excited; small and cold;
genitals; male; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); between scrotum, and thighs; ;
genitals; male; soft (flaccid); penis; ;
genitals; male; itching; penis; underside; ;
genitals; male; pain; sore; scrotum; between scrotum and thigh; ;
genitals; male; ejaculation; too soon, premature; ;
genitals; male; thick emission from penis;
genitals; male; sexual passion; diminished;
genitals; male; sexual passion; increased;
genitals; male; sexual passion; increased; without erection;
genitals; male; shrivelled;
genitals; male; testes and scrotum (balls); relaxed, scrotum;
genitals; male; ulcers; penis; at tip; elevated margins;
genitals; female; cancer; womb; ;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; strong and sharp (acrid), wearing away skin;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; gushing;
genitals; female; fluid build up (see swelling); ovaries; ;
genitals; female; fluid build up (see swelling); womb; ;
genitals; female; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); perineum (between rectum and genitals); ;
genitals; female; flatulence from vagina;
genitals; female; inflammation; ovaries; ;
genitals; female; inflammation; ovaries; right; ;
genitals; female; inflammation; womb; ;
genitals; female; period; amenorrhoea (suppression or absence of period);
genitals; female; period; late; ;
genitals; female; period; protracted;
genitals; female; period; suppressed;
genitals; female; pain; ovaries; ;
genitals; female; pain; ovaries; right; ;
genitals; female; pain; ovaries; right; to left; ;
genitals; female; pain; boring; ovaries; ;
genitals; female; pain; boring; ovaries; right; ;
genitals; female; sexual intercourse; desire increased; during period; ;
genitals; female; swollen; enlarged; ovaries; right; ;
genitals; female; tumours;
genitals; female; tumours; ovaries; ;
genitals; female; tumours; ovaries; right; ;
Tickling cough
Tensive, constrictive, burning pain in chest
Cough worse going down hill
Cough deep, hollow
Expectorations gray, thick, bloody, purulent, Salty ( Ars.; Phos.; Puls.) Night cough, tickling as from Sulphur fumes
Catarrh of the chest in infants, seems full of mucus rattling
Neglected pneumonia, with great dyspnoea, flying of alae nasei and presence of mucous rales.
respiration; accelerated;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea);
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); after exertion; physical exertion;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while lying; lying on the back; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); as if inhaled fumes of sulphur;
respiration; gasping;
respiration; interrupted; night; ;
respiration; rattling;
respiration; rattling; aged people; ;
cough; evening; ;
cough; evening; in bed; ;
cough; evening; on going to sleep; ;
cough; night; ;
cough; constant;
cough; drinking; warm drinks or soup;
cough; dry cough; evening; ;
cough; dry cough; chronic, dry cough; in grieving boys; ;
cough; dry cough; in extremely thin boys; ;
cough; dry cough; from tickling in larynx; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); as from dust; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); from irritation in air passages; in wind pipe; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); overpowering, as if larynx were tickled by a feather in evening before sleep;
cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep; preventing sleep;
cough; while lying down; on going to sleep; ;
cough; in children; dry cough; in grieving boys;
cough; sensation of sulphur fumes or vapour;
cough; tickling; ;
cough; tickling; larynx; ;
Heart; Aneurism ( Baryta Carb.) Aortic disease
Palpitation at night
Cannot lie on left side.
chest; catarrh;
chest; constriction, tension;
chest; heart; fluid build up around heart;
chest; heart; gouty heart;
chest; heart; palpitations;
chest; heart; palpitations; evening; in bed; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; during digestion; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; after eating; ;
chest; inflammation; bronchial tubes (bronchitis); ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; neglected;
chest; inflammation; lungs; typhoid;
chest; jerks; shocks; ;
chest; jerks; shocks; with cough; ;
chest; lungs; fluid build up in chest cavity (pulmonary oedema);
chest; lungs; tuberculosis;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; early stages;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; last stage;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; full of mucus;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; containing pus and ulcerative;
chest; lungs; tuberculosis; damp weather or sea air;
chest; oppressed feeling; burping, belching;
chest; pain; during a cough; ;
chest; pain; after inflammation of lungs; ;
chest; pain; sides; ;
chest; pain; sides; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
chest; pain; rawness;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; night; ;
chest; paralysis; lung; ;
chest; perspiration; offensive; ;
chest; skin; discoloration; spots; liver;
BURNING between scapulae as of hot coals
Pain in small of back.
back; curvature of spine (scoliosis); in pain;
back; heat; dorsal (shoulder level); between shoulder blades; ;
back; pain;
back; pain; from lifting; ;
back; pain; on movement;
back; pain; when beginning to move; ;
back; pain; after urinating;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); passing flatulence;
back; pain; lumbar (lower half of back); urinating;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); ;
back; pain; sacrum (base of spine); rising from sitting; ;
back; pain; aching; urinating;
back; pain; aching; lumbar (lower half of back); after urinating;
back; pain; as though the back would break; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; as if broken; lumbar (lower half of back); ;
back; pain; as if broken; lumbar (lower half of back); during stool; ;
back; pain; burning; dorsal (shoulder level); shoulder blades; between them; ;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); from obstructed flatulence; ;
back; pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back); extending to below the short ribs; ;
back; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting;
back; stiffness; neck; ;
back; strained easily;
Numbness, also drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest or at night
Heaviness of arms
Tearing in shoulder and elbow joints
One foot hot, the other cold
Chronic gout, with chalky deposits in joints
Profuse sweat of the feet
Pain in heel on treading as from a pebble
Painful callosities on soles; toes and fingers contracted
Sciatica, worse right side
cannot lie on painful side
Hands and feet numb
Right foot hot, left cold
Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed
Limbs go to sleep
Twitching and jerking.
extremities, limbs; arthritic nodules;
extremities, limbs; arthritic nodules; finger joints; ;
extremities, limbs; arthritic nodules; finger joints; with stiffness;
extremities, limbs; bones; decay of bone;
extremities, limbs; coldness; upper limbs; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; one cold, the other hot;
extremities, limbs; constriction; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; contraction of muscles and tendons;
extremities, limbs; cramps;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; ;
extremities, limbs; cramps; calf; night; ;
extremities, limbs; dryness; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; pressing;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; sore;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; corns; tearing;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; withered skin of hands;
extremities, limbs; heat; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; one foot hot, coldness of the other;
extremities, limbs; heat; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; stretched out; arms; alternately flexed and extended;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling);
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); during heat; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); hand; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); leg; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); foot; ;
extremities, limbs; pain;
extremities, limbs; pain; right then left; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; on beginning to move; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; rheumatic;
extremities, limbs; pain; rheumatic; right to left; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; gouty;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; rheumatic;
extremities, limbs; pain; upper limbs; bones; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; fingers; joints; gouty;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; beginning to move; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); lying on painful side; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); sitting;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); warmth; of bed;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; while sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; warmth; warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs; pain; hip; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; thigh; while sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; thigh; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; knee; movement;
extremities, limbs; pain; knee; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower leg; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; toes; first toe (large toe); joints; gouty;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; upper arm; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pressing; fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; foot; from perspiration; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; foot; sole; while walking; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; hip; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; during fever; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; shoulder; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; elbow; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; fingers; joints of fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; lower limbs; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; thigh; while sitting; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; thigh; walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; thigh; warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; evening; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; leg; while walking;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; leg; warm clothing;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; leg; warmth of bed;
extremities, limbs; paralysis; painless;
extremities, limbs; paralysis; upper limbs; right; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; cold;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; offensive smelling;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; foot; profuse;
extremities, limbs; restlessness;
extremities, limbs; sensitive; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; sensitive; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; shocks;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; chicken pox (see swelling); leg; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; like insects crawling on skin;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; like insects crawling on skin; fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; oozing, from fluid accumulation in legs;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; hand; rash;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; lower limbs; herpes;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; black base;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; burning;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; gangrenous;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; fingers; joints; gouty;
extremities, limbs; swollen; lower limbs; fluid in tissues;
extremities, limbs; swollen; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; fluid accumulation;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; sole; ;
extremities, limbs; tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness);
extremities, limbs; tingling, prickling, asleep (see numbness); lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; water sensation; as if water were oozing from the legs;
extremities, limbs; weakness;
extremities, limbs; weakness; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; foot; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
Drowsy during day
Starting in sleep
Dreams of accidents.
sleep; dreams; anxious;
sleep; dreams; frightful;
sleep; dreams; of misfortune;
sleep; dreams; vivid;
sleep; restless;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness; after dinner; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from before midnight; ;
sleep; waking; as from fright;
sleep; waking; from hunger; ;
chill; noon; ;
chill; afternoon; ;
chill; evening; ;
chill; in bed; ;
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature);
chill; chilliness (see also whole body; temperature); before period; ;
chill; in women; before period; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; every fourth day; ;
chill; with perspiration; after chill; ;
chill; with fever, but chill predominating; afternoon; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors; evening; ;
chill; sides, one-sided; ;
chill; sides, one-sided; left; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 4 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 4 p.m.; to 8 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 5 p.m.; ;
Chill between 3 and 4 p.m., followed by sweat
Icy coldness
Feels as if lying on ice
One chill is followed by another ( Calc.; Sil.; Hep.)
fever; evening; ;
fever; evening; 6 p.m.; to 8 p.m.; ;
fever; burning heat; afternoon; 4 p.m., lasting several hours; ;
fever; burning heat; evening; ;
fever; fever without chill; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
fever; continued fever; evening; ;
fever; fever with skin out-break; scarlet fever;
fever; hectic fever;
fever; infectious fevers;
fever; intermittent, chronic;
fever; remittent; evening; ;
fever; septic fever (see infectious, continued, from childbirth, etc.);
fever; one-sided; ;
fever; one-sided; left; ;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; chill followed by heat;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; chill then sweat, without intervening heat;
fever; in women; from childbirth; ;
perspiration; daytime; ;
perspiration; clammy;
perspiration; cold;
perspiration; during slight exertion (see walking); ;
perspiration; odour; offensive;
perspiration; odour; sour;
perspiration; profuse;
perspiration; uncovering;
Abscesses beneath skin; worse warm applications
Hives; worse, warmth
Violent itching; fissured eruptions
Chronic eczema associated with urinary, gastric and hepatic disorders; bleeds easily
Skin becomes thick and indurated
Varicose veins, naevi, erectile tumors
Brown spots, freckles worse on left side of face and nose
DRY, shrunken, especially palms; hair becomes prematurely gray
Offensive secretions; Viscid and offensive perspiration, especially of feet and axilla
skin; discoloration; brown, liver spots;
skin; discoloration; freckles;
skin; discoloration; pale;
skin; discoloration; yellow, jaundice, etc.;
skin; dry;
skin; dry; burning;
skin; abnormal growths;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, spread over body;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; black;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; bleeding;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning; in margins; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; cancerous;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; crusty;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; greenish;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; offensive;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with elevated, hardened margins;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with deep hole (fistula);
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; flat (see superficial);
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; gangrenous;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; painless, slow developing;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; hardened;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; hardened; margins;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; itching;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; painless;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; phagedenic (spreading, obstinate ulceration);
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; sensitive;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; shooting;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; superficial;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; swollen;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with tearing pain;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; varicose;
skin; inactivity;
skin; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation), nodules, etc.;
skin; like insects crawling on skin;
skin; itching;
skin; itching; burning;
skin; itching; crawling;
skin; moisture;
skin; moisture; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin;
skin; out-breaks on skin; boils;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty; moist;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; discharging, moist;
skin; out-breaks on skin; discharging, moist; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; crusty;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; moist;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; patches;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; tearing;
skin; out-breaks on skin; painless;
skin; out-breaks on skin; psoriasis (red patches with silvery scales);
skin; out-breaks on skin; scarlet fever;
skin; out-breaks on skin; after scratching; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; generating pus;
skin; out-breaks on skin; with tearing pain;
skin; pain; gnawing, biting; eating at skin;
skin; pain; burning;
skin; pain; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
skin; prickling;
skin; sticking;
skin; swelling; burning;
skin; swelling; pale;
generalities; late morning;
generalities; afternoon; ;
generalities; afternoon; 4 p.m.; ;
generalities; afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m.; ;
generalities; evening; ;
generalities; night; before midnight; ;
generalities; night; after midnight;
generalities; desire for open air;
generalities; anaemia; as from iron deficiency - greenish yellow skin;
generalities; blood vessels; excited, rapid blood flow;
generalities; bones; decay of bone;
generalities; cancers;
generalities; cancers; epithelioma;
generalities; cancers; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, spread over body;
generalities; loosening clothing;
generalities; convulsions; right side of body; ;
generalities; eating and food; after eating; ;
generalities; eating and food; when eating to satiety; ;
generalities; eating and food; beans and peas;
generalities; eating and food; cabbage;
generalities; eating and food; cold food;
generalities; eating and food; foods which cause flatulence;
generalities; eating and food; onions;
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin);
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin); from dehydration; ;
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin); aged people; ;
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin); grieving boys; ;
generalities; flabby feeling;
generalities; fluid build up; excess of blood, or other fluids;
generalities; inflammation; thin, watery membranes;
generalities; insensitive to pain (see irritability);
generalities; lying down; lying down;
generalities; lying down; after lying down;
generalities; lying down; lying in bed;
generalities; lying down; lying on side;
generalities; movement; at beginning of movement;
generalities; movement;
generalities; mucous secretions increased;
generalities; numbness; externally;
generalities; numbness; internally; in single parts; ;
generalities; pain; glands; ;
generalities; pain; cutting; internally;
generalities; pain; pinching; internally; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; internally; ;
generalities; pain; tearing; externally;
generalities; pain; tearing; internally;
generalities; pain; tearing; downward;
generalities; pain; tearing; muscles; ;
generalities; paralysis; painless;
generalities; in women; symptoms before period; ;
generalities; in aged people; ;
generalities; pressure;
generalities; pulse; frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid; after eating; ;
generalities; rising;
generalities; sensitive; to pain;
generalities; sensitive; intolerance of clothing;
generalities; symptoms after sexual intercourse; symptoms after sexual excesses; ;
generalities; symptoms not symmetrical; symptoms on one side; ;
generalities; symptoms not symmetrical; right; ;
generalities; symptoms not symmetrical; right then left; ;
generalities; while sitting;
generalities; swelling; glands; ;
generalities; tension; internally; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; flushes of heat;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; sensation of heat;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold in general;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold air;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); from becoming cold; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); becoming cold;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); tendency to catch cold;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm room;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; becoming warm in open air;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warm bed;
generalities; touch;
generalities; uncovering;
generalities; walking; beginning of walk;
generalities; walking; in open air;
generalities; warmth; warm room;
generalities; warmth; becoming warm in open air;
generalities; warm bed;
generalities; wraps;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); morning; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); after emission; ;
generalities; weariness (see weakness);
generalities; from wind; ;
generalities; wine;

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