Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Arsenicum Album

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like', in a tiny dilution - so the indications below are what a healthy person would feel if taking Arsenicum Album. If your symptoms fit within the symptoms below, then Arsenicum Album would be a good bet.

The following are the strongest indications of Arsenicum Album for its use in homeopathy. Entries on a white background are from Boericke's Materia Medica, other entries are from a reversed Kent's repertory. Homeopathic remedies are not the same as herbal remedies.

Please remember though, this homeopathy materia medica is provided for information only, with no guarantee of accuracy; it is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor as a claim for the effectiveness of Arsenicum Album in treating any of the symptoms below. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical advice - minor symptoms can often be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Homeopathic remedies are very dilute, and while the homeopathic remedy may be beneficial, the raw product may be harmful.

To purchase Arsenicum Album and other homeopathic remedies online, please click the button above.

A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue. Its clear-cut characteristic symptoms and correspondence to many severe types of disease make its homeopathic employment constant and certain. Its general symptoms often alone lead to its successful application. Among these the all-prevailing debility, exhaustion, and Restlessness, with nightly worse, are most important. Great exhaustion after the slightest exertion. This, with the peculiar irritability of fibre, gives the characteristic Irritable weakness. burning pains. Unquenchable thirst. Burning relieved by heat. Seaside complaints (Nat-mur.; Aqua Marina). Injurious effects of fruits, especially more watery ones. Gives quiet and ease to the last moments of life when given in high potency. Fear fright and worry. Green discharges. Infantile Kala-azar ( Dr. Neatby). Arsenicum Album. should be thought of in ailments from alcoholism, Ptomaine poisoning, stings, dissecting wounds, chewing tobacco; ill effects from decayed food or animal matter; odor of discharges is PUTRID; in complaints that return annually. Anaemia and chlorosis. Degenerative changes. Gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition. Reduces the refractive index of blood serum (also China and Ferr. Phos.). Maintains the system under the stress of malignancy regardless of location. Malarial cachexia. Septic infections and low vitality.
BETTER from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks.
WORSE, wet weather, after midnight; from cold, cold drinks, or food. Seashore. Right side.
Complementary: Rhus; Carbo; Phos.; Thuja; Secale. Antidotal to lead poison.
Antidotes: Opium; Carbo; China; Hepar; Nux. Chemical antidotes: Charcoal; Hydrated Peroxide of Iron; Lime Water.
Compare: Arsenicum Album. stibiatum 3x (Chest inflammations of children, restlessness with thirst and prostration, loose mucous cough, oppression, hurried respiration, crepitant rales). Cenchris Contortrix; Iod.; Phosph.; China; Verat. alb.; Carbo; Kali-phos. Epilobium (intractable diarrhoea of typhoid). Hoang Nan. Atoxyl. - Sodium arseniate 3x, sleeping sickness; commencing optic atrophy. Levico Water - (containing Ars., Iron and Copper of South Tyrol) ( Chronic and dyscratic skin diseases, chorea minor and spasms in scrofulous and anaemic children. Favors assimilation and increases nutrition. Debility and skin diseases, especially after the use of higher potencies where progress seems suspended. Dose. Ten drops in wine glass of warm water 3 times a day after meals ( Burnett). Sarcolactic acid (influenza with violent vomiting).
expectoration; daytime only; ;
expectoration; bloody, spitting of blood (see chest haemorrhage);
expectoration; bloody, spitting of blood (see chest haemorrhage); streaked with blood;
expectoration; copious;
expectoration; frothy;
expectoration; mucous;
expectoration; mucous; bloody;
expectoration; noticeable smell; offensive smell;
expectoration; noticeable taste; salty;
Great anguish and restlessness
changes place continually
fears, of death, of being left alone
Great fear, with cold sweat
Thinks it useless to take medicine
Hallucinations of smell and sight
Despair drives him from place to place
Miserly, malicious, selfish, lacks courage
General sensibility increased (Hep.) Sensitive to disorder and confusion.
mind; behaviour; attempts to escape; change beds;
mind; dazed; when walking; ;
mind; delirium;
mind; delirium; night; ;
mind; delirium; violent;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; creatures and animals; insects;
mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; about self; circumstances; being watched;
mind; desires, wants; to be carried; fast;
mind; desires, wants; company;
mind; desires, wants; company; while alone;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anguish; forcing from place to place;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; anger (see irritability and quarrelsome); with anxiety;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life); weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; greed;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; cannot bear to be looked at;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; loathing; life (see desires, death);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; mildness;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; reproaches; others;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; suspicious;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair; during chill; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair; while perspiring; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair; of recovery;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; despair; religious (of salvation etc.);
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; when alone; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; during chill; ;
mind; emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; during the heat; ;
mind; insanity;
mind; insanity; mania, madness;
mind; insanity; mania, madness; wants to be held;
mind; insanity; mania, madness; from drinking (delirium tremors);
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; morning; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; evening; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; evening; in bed; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; night; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; night; after midnight; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; night; after midnight; 3 a.m.; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; when alone; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; in bed; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; during chill; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; of conscience (as if guilty of a crime);
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; with fear; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; during fever; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; about salvation;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; during sleep (see dreams); ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; anxiety; on waking; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of being alone (see company);
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of death;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of death; when alone; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of robbers;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; night; wakens at 3 a.m.; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; evening; on falling asleep; ;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; on falling asleep; ;
mind; memory; weakness of memory;
mind; perception; senses; acute;
mind; restlessness, nervousness;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; night; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; night; after midnight; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; anxious, etc.;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; anxious, etc.; forcing rapid walking;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; forcing out of bed;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; wants to go from one bed to another;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; tossing about in bed;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; during chill; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; during heat; ;
mind; restlessness, nervousness; internal;
mind; talking, conversation; critical;
mind; talking, conversation; of others;
mind; unconsciousness; frequent spells;
mind; unconsciousness; on least movement; ;
vertigo, dizziness; evening; ;
Headaches relieved by cold, other symptoms worse
Periodical burning pains, with Restlessness; with cold skin
Hemicrania, with icy feeling of scalp and great weakness
Sensitive head in open air
Delirium tremens; cursing and raving; vicious
Head is in constant motion
Scalp ITCHES intolerably; circular patches of bare spots; rough, dirty, sensitive, and covered with dry scales; nightly burning and itching; dandruff
Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair.
head; hot;
head; heaviness (see pain; pressing); open air;
head; heaviness (see pain; pressing); warm room; ;
head; pain, headache;
head; pain, headache; from cold (including cold parts); from cold air; ;
head; pain, headache; while lying down; lies with head high;
head; pain, headache; recurring headache;
head; pain, headache; from being in vaults, cellars, etc.; ;
head; pain, headache; walking; in open air;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; ;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; above eyes; warm applications;
head; pain, headache; in forehead; above root of nose; pulsating;
head; pain, headache; burning; forehead; over eyes; ;
head; pain, headache; burning; forehead; over eyes; night; ;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; crusts, scabs;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; eczema;
head; skin and scalp; out-break on skin; pimples;
Burning in eyes, with acrid lachrymation
Lids red, ulcerated, scabby, scaly, granulated
Oedema around eyes
External inflammation, with extreme painfulness; Burning, hot, and excoriating lachrymation
Corneal ulceration
Intense photophobia; better external warmth
Ciliary neuralgia, with fine burning pain.
eye; lids; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
eye; lids; granular lids;
eye; lids; opening eyes difficult;
eye; lids; opening eyes difficult;
eye; lids; spasmodic closure;
eye; discoloration; redness;
eye; discoloration; redness; lids; spots; edges of; ;
eye; dryness;
eye; inflammation;
eye; inflammation; infants; ;
eye; inflammation; glandular swellings;
eye; inflammation; wounds; conjunctiva (external lining of eye); ;
eye; pain; warmth;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; night; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; on opening the eyes; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; margins of lids; ;
eye; pain; burning, smarting, gnawing, biting; margins of lids; evening; ;
eye; pain; as from something in eye; like sand in eye;
eye; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; on opening the eyes; ;
eye; paralysis; iris; ;
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia);
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia); daylight;
eye; intolerance of light (photophobia); from snow;
eye; skin around eyes (see face); corner excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
eye; swellings; lids; ;
eye; swellings; lids; from fluid accumulation; ;
eye; swellings; lids; under the lids; ;
eye; tears; acrid smell (strong and sharp);
eye; ulceration; lids; under surfaces; ;
vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; green;
vision; foggy;
vision; sees only halves of objects (hemiopia); horizontal;
Skin within, raw and burning
Thin, excoriating, offensive otorrhoea
Roaring in ears, during a paroxysm of pain.
ear; discharges from ear; greenish pus;
ear; itching; in ear; burning;
ear; noises in ear; with perspiration;
ear; noises in ear; buzzing; while perspiring; ;
Thin, watery, excoriating discharge
Nose feels Stopped up
Sneezing without relief
Hay-fever and coryza; worse in open air; better indoors
BURNING and bleeding
Acne of nose
nose; catarrh;
nose; discharge from nose; blood;
nose; discharge from nose; copious;
nose; discharge from nose; wearing away skin;
nose; discharge from nose; thick;
nose; discharge from nose; watery;
nose; dryness; inside; ;
nose; pain; burning, smarting;
nose; pain; burning, smarting; with running nose;
nose; pain; rawness; with running nose; ;
nose; pulsation;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza);
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; sensation as if blocked; with watery discharge;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); blocked; at root; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); right; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); from becoming chilled, while overheated; ;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); running, wet;
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza); violent attacks;
nose; skin or lining of nose; small swellings;
nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of food;
nose; sneezing;
nose; sneezing; frequent;
nose; swelling;
nose; swelling; knotty;
Swollen, pale, yellow, Cachetic, sunken, cold, and covered with sweat ( Acetic Acid.) Expression of agony
Tearing, Needle-like pains; burning
Lips black, livid
Angry, circumscribed flush of cheeks.
face; abscess; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe)s; ;
face; bloated (see swelling, congestion);
face; cancer;
face; cancer; epithelioma;
face; cancer; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, spread over body;
face; coldness;
face; expression; anxious;
face; expression; distressed;
face; expression; haggard;
face; expression; sickly;
face; expression; suffering;
face; appearance as if dead (see sunken);
face; inflammation; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); suppurating (producing pus);
face; lips; deposits from illness on the lips;
face; lips; discoloration; black;
face; lips; discoloration; pale;
face; lips; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed);
face; lips; out-breaks on lips;
face; lips; ulcers;
face; pain;
face; pain; cold air;
face; pain; rheumatic;
face; pain; warmth;
face; pain; burning (see heat);
face; pain; burning (see heat); like hot needles;
face; pain; pulling;
face; pain; pulling; warmth;
face; pain; stinging;
face; pain; sudden, sharp; burning needles;
face; perspiration; cold;
face; skin; discoloration; iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration);
face; skin; discoloration; bluish;
face; skin; discoloration; bluish; from oxygen starvation;
face; skin; discoloration; bluish; circles around eyes;
face; skin; discoloration; pale;
face; skin; discoloration; sickly colour;
face; skin; discoloration; yellow;
face; skin; drawn, pulled;
face; skin; dryness (see skin);
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty, scabby;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; dry;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; cold sores, herpes; mealy;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; red; erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour); gangrenous;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; powdery flaking skin;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; powdery flaking skin; lips; ;
face; skin; out-breaks on skin; like nettle rash;
face; skin; shiny skin; waxy;
face; skin; ulcers;
face; skin; ulcers; wart-like;
face; sunken;
face; swelling;
face; swelling; morning; ;
face; swelling; fluid accumulation;
face; swelling; under eyes; ;
face; twitching; lips; on falling asleep; ;
Unhealthy easily-bleeding gums
Ulceration of mouth with dryness and burning heat
Epithelioma of lips
Tongue dry, clean, and red; stitching and burning pain in tongue, ulcerated with blue color
Bloody saliva
Neuralgia of teeth; feel long and very sore; worse after midnight; better warmth
Metallic taste
Gulping up burning water.
mouth; bleeding; gums; scurvy;
mouth; cracked; tongue; ;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; blue;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; red;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; red; edges; ;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; red; tip; ;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; white;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; white; as if painted;
mouth; discoloration; tongue; white; silvery, all over;
mouth; dryness;
mouth; dryness; tongue; ;
mouth; gangrenous; in children; ;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; blisters;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; blisters; tongue; ;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; ulcers;
mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; ulcers; malignant;
mouth; odour (halitosis, bad breath); cadaverous, like dead body;
mouth; odour (halitosis, bad breath); offensive;
mouth; odour (halitosis, bad breath); putrid;
mouth; pain; gums; ;
mouth; pain; burning, raw and smarting;
mouth; pain; burning, raw and smarting; tongue; ;
mouth; pain; as if burnt; tongue; ;
mouth; pain; sore; gums; ;
mouth; swelling; gums; ;
mouth; swelling; tongue; base, externally and internally;
mouth; taste; bitter;
mouth; taste; bitter; after eating; ;
mouth; taste; putrid; morning; ;
mouth; thrush (whitish flakes);
mouth; thrush (whitish flakes); bluish in colour;
mouth; gums; teeth detached from gums; scurvy-like;
mouth; tongue; jagged edge of tongue;
mouth; tongue; taste buds; enlarged; at tip; ;
mouth; teeth; bites tumbler when drinking;
mouth; teeth; grinding; during sleep; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; heat; heat of heater;
mouth; teeth; pain; winter; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; while lying on painful side; ;
mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; warmth;
mouth; teeth; deposits on teeth during illness (see mucus);
Swollen, oedematous, constricted, burning; unable to swallow
Diphtheritic membrane, looks dry and wrinkled.
throat; larynx (voice box); sensation of smoke;
throat; catarrh;
throat; catarrh; sudden;
throat; choking, constricting; trachea (wind pipe);
throat; sensation of something in throat; as from dust;
throat; sensation of something in throat; sulphur vapour;
throat; gangrene;
throat; inflammation; gullet; ;
throat; irritation; trachea (wind pipe); ;
throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.;
throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; wrinkled;
throat; pain; swallowing; on swallowing; ;
throat; pain; warmth; warm drinks;
throat; pain; burning;
throat; pain; burning; gullet; when swallowing; ;
throat; pain; rawness; larynx; ;
throat; paralysis;
throat; paralysis; gullet; ;
throat; paralysis; gullet; sensation of;
throat; paralysis; throat; ;
throat; paralysis; after diphtheria; ;
throat; sounds; gullet gurgling; when drinking; ;
throat; spasms, convulsions etc.; closing gullet;
throat; tickling in the air passages; larynx; ;
throat; ulcers;
Stomach; Cannot bear the sight or smell of food
great thirsts; drinks much, but little at a time
Nausea, retching, vomiting, after eating or drinking
Anxiety in pit of stomach
Burning pain
Craves acids and Coffee
Heartburn; gulping up of acid and bitter substances which seem to excoriate the throat
Long-lasting eructations
Vomiting of blood, bile, green mucus, or brown-black mixed with blood
Stomach extremely irritable; seems raw, as if torn
Gastralgia from slightest food or drink
Dyspepsia from vinegar, acids, ice-cream, ice-water, tobacco
Terrible fear and dyspnoea, with gastralgia; also faintness, icy coldness, great exhaustion
Malignant symptoms
Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus, which seems as if closed and nothing would pass
Ill effects of vegetable diet, melons, and watery fruits generally
Craves milk.
Gnawing, burning pains like coals of fire; relieved by heat
Liver and spleen enlarged and painful
Ascites and anasarca
Abdomen swollen and painful
Pain as from a wound in abdomen on coughing.
abdomen; anxiety; ;
abdomen; anxiety; after stool; ;
abdomen; bloated;
abdomen; bloated; painful;
abdomen; bloated; trapped wind; ;
abdomen; flatulence;
abdomen; gangrene;
abdomen; hard; liver; ;
abdomen; inflammation;
abdomen; inflammation; liver; ;
abdomen; pain; aching, dull pain (see boring, pulling, distress, digging, gnawing, biting, pressing, etc.);
abdomen; pain; from becoming cold; ;
abdomen; pain; after eating (including certain foods); after eating ice cream; ;
abdomen; pain; during the heat of fever; ;
abdomen; pain; in women; during period; heat;
abdomen; pain; with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception);
abdomen; pain; warmth;
abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; ;
abdomen; pain; navel; region of navel; night; after midnight; ;
abdomen; pain; burning;
abdomen; pain; burning; after eating ice cream; ;
abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; after eating ice cream; ;
abdomen; pain; cutting;
abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.;
abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); spleen; ;
abdomen; pain; tearing;
abdomen; restlessness, uneasiness, etc.;
abdomen; complaints of spleen; ;
abdomen; skin; ulcers;
abdomen; swelling; from watery fluid; abdominal cavity; ;
abdomen; bladder; fullness; without desire to urinate;
abdomen; bladder; paralysis;
abdomen; bladder; paralysis; in aged people; ;
abdomen; bladder; paralysis; after childbirth, no desire to urinate; ;
abdomen; bladder; retention of urine (see urination delayed);
abdomen; bladder; retention of urine (see urination delayed); after confinement; ;
abdomen; bladder; retention of urine (see urination delayed); dysentery;
abdomen; bladder; urge to urinate, but producing nothing;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); absent;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); absent; with swollen bladder;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); ineffectual;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); ineffectual; while perspiring; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; painful or difficult urination;
abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; during chill; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; daytime; and night; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; after labour; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; during pregnancy; ;
abdomen; bladder; urination; unsatisfactory (see incomplete and fullness, after urinating);
abdomen; bladder; urination; weakness; after childbirth; ;
abdomen; kidneys; suppression of urine;
abdomen; kidneys; suppression of urine; in cholera;
abdomen; stomach; anxiety;
abdomen; stomach; anxiety; night, on rising up; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general);
abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); during chill; ;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive;
abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite;
abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; all food;
abdomen; stomach; cancer;
abdomen; stomach; coldness;
abdomen; stomach; coldness; chilliness in pit of stomach; ;
abdomen; stomach; contraction;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; cold drinks;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; warm drinks;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; warm drinks; during chill;
abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; warm food;
abdomen; stomach; disordered;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; after fruit; ;
abdomen; stomach; disordered; ice cream; ;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty;
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; clear, salty liquid from stomach in mouth (waterbrash);
abdomen; stomach; heat, flushes;
abdomen; stomach; hiccup;
abdomen; stomach; hiccup; during fever; at the time when the fever ought to come; ;
abdomen; stomach; inflammation;
abdomen; stomach; inflammation; indurated stomach walls (hard from inflammation); ;
abdomen; stomach; loathing of food (see nausea);
abdomen; stomach; sensation of lump; stone;
abdomen; stomach; nausea;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; late morning; 11 a.m.; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; afternoon; 3 p.m.; ;
abdomen; stomach; nausea; after fever; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain;
abdomen; stomach; pain; after drinking; cold drinks; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; ice cream; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; heat;
abdomen; stomach; pain; during heat; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; yawning;
abdomen; stomach; pain; burning;
abdomen; stomach; pain; cramping, griping, constricting;
abdomen; stomach; pain; cramping, griping, constricting; after cold drinks; ;
abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing;
abdomen; stomach; pain; scraping;
abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness);
abdomen; stomach; pain; sudden, sharp;
abdomen; stomach; thirst;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; before chill; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; after chill; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; extreme;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; during heat; ;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; for large quantities;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; for small quantities;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; for small quantities; often;
abdomen; stomach; thirst; unquenchable;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; during diarrhoea; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; immediately after; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; smallest quantity; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; in alcoholics; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; easy; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after eating; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after eating; ice cream; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; frequent;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; on movement; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; comes on suddenly;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; while perspiring; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; violent; ;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; bile;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; black;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; everything;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; food;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; green;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; offensive smelling;
abdomen; stomach; vomiting; water;
Painful, spasmodic protrusion of rectum
BURNING pain and pressure in rectum and anus.
rectum; constipation;
rectum; diarrhoea;
rectum; diarrhoea; night; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; night; after midnight; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; aged people; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; from drinking water; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; fruit; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; after eating game; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; ice cream; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after cold drinks; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; after eating; ;
rectum; diarrhoea; cold food;
rectum; diarrhoea; from septic conditions; ;
rectum; dysentery;
rectum; flatulence; offensive;
rectum; haemorrhage from anus;
rectum; haemorrhoids;
rectum; haemorrhoids; internal;
rectum; pain; during stool; ;
rectum; pain; burning; during stool; ;
rectum; pain; burning; after stool; ;
rectum; pain; cutting; during diarrhoea; ;
rectum; pain; stinging; night, lying down; ;
rectum; pain; sudden, sharp;
rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during diarrhoea; ;
Small, offensive, dark, with much prostration
worse at night, and after eating and drinking; from chilling stomach, alcoholic abuse, spoiled meat
Dysentery dark, bloody, very offensive
Cholera, with intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst
Body cold as ice ( Verat.) Hemorrhoids burn like fire; relieved by heat
Skin excoriated about anus.
stool; strong and sharp (acrid), corrosive, wearing away skin;
stool; black;
stool; bloody;
stool; copious;
stool; frequent;
stool; grey;
stool; food appears to be passed undigested (lientery);
stool; light-coloured;
stool; mucous, slimy; brown;
stool; mucous, slimy; green;
stool; odour; like a dead body;
stool; odour; offensive;
stool; odour; putrid;
stool; small (see long and narrow);
stool; thin, liquid; black;
stool; watery; black;
stool; watery; brown;
Scanty, burning, involuntary
Bladder as if paralyzed
Epithelial cells; cylindrical clots of fibrin and globules of pus and blood
After urinating, feeling of weakness in abdomen
Bright’s disease
urine; albuminous (white, thick);
urine; albuminous (white, thick); after alcohol abuse; ;
urine; bloody;
urine; burning (includes hot);
urine; ejecting lumps; epithelial;
urine; colour; brown;
urine; colour; brown; like cow-dung with water;
urine; colour; brown; while perspiring; ;
urine; scanty;
urine; sediment; sand; red (brick-dust);
Female; Menses too profuse and too soon
Burning in ovarian region
Leucorrhoea, acrid, burning, offensive, thin
Pain as from red-hot wires; worse least exertion; causes great fatigue; better in warm room
Stitching pain in pelvis extending down the thigh.
genitals; male; excoriated (as if grazed, chaffed); scrotum; ;
genitals; male; inflammation; penis; foreskin; erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour);
genitals; male; swelling; scrotum; fluid accumulation;
genitals; male; ulcers; burning;
genitals; male; ulcers; spreading;
genitals; male; ulcers; penis; at tip; phagedenic (spreading, obstinate ulceration);
genitals; male; ulcers; penis; lesion with wavy margin;
genitals; female; cancer; womb; ;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; strong and sharp (acrid), wearing away skin;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; instead of period; ;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; thick;
genitals; female; vaginal discharge; yellow;
genitals; female; fluid build up (see swelling); ovaries; ;
genitals; female; inflammation;
genitals; female; inflammation; womb; ;
genitals; female; period; copious;
genitals; female; period; frequent; ;
genitals; female; pain; burning; ovaries; ;
genitals; female; pain; burning; ovaries; moving feet;
genitals; female; pain; pulling; ovaries; movement;
genitals; female; pain; pulling; ovaries; from sitting bent; ;
genitals; female; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; ovaries; right; ;
genitals; female; swollen;
genitals; urethra (urinary part of genitals); pain; burning;
Unable to lie down; fears suffocation
Air-passages constricted
Asthma worse midnight
Burning in chest
Suffocative catarrh
Cough worse after midnight; worse lying on back
Expectoration scanty, Frothy
darting pain through upper third of right lung
Wheezing respiration
Hemoptysis with pain between shoulders; burning heat all over
Cough dry, as from Sulphur fumes; After drinking.
respiration; accelerated;
respiration; respiratory allergies (including hayfever);
respiration; respiratory allergies (including hayfever); open air;
respiration; asthma attack;
respiration; asthma attack; night; ;
respiration; asthma attack; night; after midnight; ;
respiration; asthma attack; night; after midnight; must spring out of bed; ;
respiration; asthma attack; night; 2 a.m.; ;
respiration; asthma attack; in aged people; ;
respiration; asthma attack; periodic;
respiration; asthma attack; spasmodic;
respiration; deep; impossible;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea);
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night; in bed; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night; midnight; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night; after midnight; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); night; after midnight; 2 a.m.; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); ascending;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); with cough;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); from dust; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); after exertion; physical exertion;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); lying down impossible;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while lying down;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); from mucus in the wind pipe; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); when turning in bed; ;
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while walking; ;
respiration; interrupted; coughing; ;
respiration; rattling;
respiration; wheezing;
cough; morning; ;
cough; evening; ;
cough; evening; in bed; ;
cough; night; ;
cough; in cold air; ;
cough; in open air; ;
cough; in open air; when walking in open air; ;
cough; asthmatic; ;
cough; with or after chill or fever; during fever; ;
cough; on becoming cold; ;
cough; drinking; after drinking; ;
cough; drinking; cold drinks; ;
cough; drinking; warm drinks or soup;
cough; dry cough;
cough; dry cough; night;
cough; exhausting cough;
cough; hacking cough;
cough; hacking cough; from tickling in larynx; ;
cough; sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); as from dust; ;
cough; loose;
cough; loose; during fever; ;
cough; while lying down; evening; ;
cough; while lying down; evening; must sit up;
cough; sensation of sulphur fumes or vapour;
cough; tickling; larynx; ;
cough; tormenting;
Heart; Palpitation, pain, dyspnoea, faintness
Irritable heart in smokers and tobacco-chewers
Pulse more rapid in morning ( Sulph.) Dilatation
Fatty degeneration
Angina pectoris, with pain in neck and occiput.
chest; anxiety;
chest; anxiety; region of heart; ;
chest; anxiety; region of heart; night; ;
chest; catarrh;
chest; coldness;
chest; coldness; internal; ;
chest; constriction, tension;
chest; constriction, tension; when ascending stairs or hill; ;
chest; constriction, tension; while walking; ;
chest; constriction, tension; heart; ;
chest; heart; angina pectoris;
chest; heart; fluid build up around heart;
chest; heart; fatty degeneration of heart;
chest; heart; accumulation of fluid, pulmonary;
chest; heart; palpitations;
chest; heart; palpitations; night; 3 a.m.; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; anxiety; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; on climbing steps; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; from exertion; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; during fever; ;
chest; heart; palpitations; irregular;
chest; heart; palpitations; after stool; ;
chest; inflammation; bronchial tubes (bronchitis); ;
chest; inflammation; heart; endocardium; ;
chest; inflammation; heart; pericardium; ;
chest; inflammation; lungs; ;
chest; inflammation; lung lining; neglected;
chest; lungs; empyema;
chest; lungs; fluid build up in chest cavity (pulmonary oedema);
chest; lungs; gangrene of lungs;
chest; lungs; haemorrhage (see expectoration);
chest; movements in and of chest; convulsions;
chest; oppressed feeling;
chest; oppressed feeling; from ascending stairs or hill; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; when weather changes to cold; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; clothing;
chest; oppressed feeling; on rapid movement; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; during stormy weather; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; while walking; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; while walking; quickly; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; weather changes to cold; ;
chest; oppressed feeling; heart; ;
chest; pain;
chest; pain; night; ;
chest; pain; sides; right; top of right lung; ;
chest; pain; lungs; top; right; ;
chest; pain; heart; ;
chest; pain; burning;
chest; pain; cutting (sudden sharp pain); heart; ;
chest; pain; pressing; breast bone; ;
chest; pain; pressing; heart; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; collar bone; under; right; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; right; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; sides; right; top; ;
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; breast bone; ;
chest; pain; tearing; arm pit; ;
chest; skin; out-breaks on skin;
Weakness in small of back
Drawing in of shoulders
Pain and burning in back ( Oxal-ac.)
back; pain; neck; ;
back; pain; dorsal (shoulder level); shoulder blades; between; ;
back; pain; burning;
back; pain; burning; spine; ;
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine);
back; weakness (tired feeling, in spine); lumbar (lower half of back); ;
Trembling, twitching, spasms, weakness, heaviness, uneasiness
Cramps in calves
Swelling of feet
Burning pains
Peripheral neuritis
Diabetic gangrene
Ulcers on heel (Cepa; Lamium) Paralysis of lower limbs with atrophy.
extremities, limbs; coldness;
extremities, limbs; coldness; with diarrhoea;
extremities, limbs; coldness; upper limbs; hands; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; coldness; lower limbs; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; gangrene;
extremities, limbs; gangrene; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; hardness; skin of soles; ;
extremities, limbs; hands and feet; thick skin of soles;
extremities, limbs; heaviness; tired limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; heaviness; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation); soles; ;
extremities, limbs; injuries; fingers; dissecting wounds;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; jerking; falling asleep; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; in alcoholics; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; night; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; on falling asleep; ;
extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; fingers; tips; ;
extremities, limbs; numbness (see tingling); foot; ;
extremities, limbs; pain;
extremities, limbs; pain; night; after midnight; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; from cold air; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; on becoming cold; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; neuralgic (pain along nerves);
extremities, limbs; pain; rheumatic;
extremities, limbs; pain; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; warmth; of bed;
extremities, limbs; pain; joints; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; upper limbs; lying on it; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; upper limbs; warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; lower limbs; sciatica (pain radiating from back along back of thigh); warmth;
extremities, limbs; pain; hip; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; burning; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; elbow; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; elbow; extending to arm pit; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; scraping; leg, bones; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; shooting (see stitching, sudden, sharp); hip; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; shooting (see stitching, sudden, sharp); thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; sore, bruised; knee; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; burning;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; hot, in paralysed parts; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; hip; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; thigh; burning;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; lying on painful side;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; one side; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; upper arm; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; upper arm; extending to other parts; upward; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; elbow; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; elbow; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; wrist; night; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; wrist; night; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; lower limbs; night; when lying upon it; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; lower limbs; lying on painful side;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; paralysis; lower limbs; after diphtheria; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; hand; ;
extremities, limbs; perspiration; thigh; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; evening; in bed; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; night; before going to bed; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; night; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; before going to sleep; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; restlessness; lower limbs; leg; before sleep; ;
extremities, limbs; shocks; on going to sleep; ;
extremities, limbs; shocks; lower limbs; during sleep; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; painful boils, shedding skin and tissues (carbuncle);
extremities, limbs; skin; discoloration; hand; bruise-like black and blue;
extremities, limbs; skin; discoloration; fingers; nails; blueness; during chill; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; itching; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; blisters; containing fluid;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; burning;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; pimples;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; pimples;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; upper limbs; scales;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; fingers; tips of; blisters; filled with blood;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; lower limbs; blisters;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; knee; hollow of knee; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; knee; hollow of knee; herpes;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; knee; hollow of knee; itching;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; leg; eczema;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; foot; blisters; black;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; foot; sole of; blisters; spreading;
extremities, limbs; skin; out-break on skin; foot; sole of; blisters; ulcerating;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; nails; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; fingers; under nails; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; fingers; tips; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; fingers; tips; burning;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; black base;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; bluish with red circle;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; burning;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; deep;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; lower limbs; gangrenous;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; leg; burning;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; leg; gangrenous;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; leg; painful;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; skin; ulcers; foot; sole; from blisters; ;
extremities, limbs; stiffness;
extremities, limbs; stiffness; joints; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; fluid in tissues;
extremities, limbs; swollen; hand; gangrenous;
extremities, limbs; swollen; fingers; from dissecting wound; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; lower limbs; fluid in tissues;
extremities, limbs; swollen; leg; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; ;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; fluid accumulation;
extremities, limbs; swollen; foot; shining;
extremities, limbs; weakness;
extremities, limbs; weakness; after least exertion; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; upper limbs; when taking hold of something; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; forearm; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; hand; paralytic;
extremities, limbs; weakness; fingers; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; fingers; when grasping; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; fingers; paralytic;
extremities, limbs; weakness; lower limbs; ;
extremities, limbs; weakness; foot; ;
Disturbed, anxious, restless
Must have head raised by pillows
Suffocative fits during sleep
Sleeps with hands over head
Dreams are full of care and fear
Drowsy, sleeping sickness.
sleep; dreams; accidents;
sleep; dreams; anxious;
sleep; dreams; of dead people;
sleep; dreams; difficulties;
sleep; dreams; frightful;
sleep; falling asleep; from the least mental exertion; ;
sleep; restless;
sleep; restless; night; after 3 a.m.; ;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness;
sleep; sleepiness, tiredness; from mental exertion; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from before midnight; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; after midnight; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from anxiety; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; after mental exertion; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from shocks; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; from thoughts; from activity of mind;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; night; twitching of the limbs;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; after waking; ;
sleep; sleeplessness, insomnia; from weariness; ;
sleep; yawning;
chill; late morning; ;
chill; afternoon; ;
chill; night; after midnight; ;
chill; in the open air; ;
chill; in the open air; while walking; ;
chill; drinking;
chill; when drinking; the chill increases and causes vomiting;
chill; after eating; ;
chill; external; ;
chill; icy coldness of the body;
chill; internal; ;
chill; internal; as if coldness in blood vessels;
chill; after movement; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; attacks recurring earlier each time; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; recurring daily; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; recurring every third day; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; recurring every third day; twice; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; every fourth day; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; every fourteenth day; ;
chill; periodic, recurring; irregular; ;
chill; with fever, but chill predominating; afternoon; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors; afternoon; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors; evening; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors; evening; while walking in open air; ;
chill; shaking, shivering, rigors; night; in the open air; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 1 a.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 2 a.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 12 a.m.; to 2 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 1 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 1 p.m.; to 2 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 2 p.m.; ;
chill; at certain time of day or night; from 3 p.m.; ;
chill; warmth; warm room;
chill; warmth; external warmth;
High temperature
Periodically marked with adynamia
Septic fevers
paroxysms incomplete, with marked exhaustion
hay fever
Cold sweats
Typhoid, not too early; often after Rhus
Complete exhaustion
Delirium; worse after midnight
Great restlessness
Great heat about 3 a.m
fever; morning; with chilliness; ;
fever; night; dry burning heat;
fever; night; dry burning heat; without thirst;
fever; night; dry burning heat; with anxiety;
fever; night; midnight; ;
fever; night; after midnight; ;
fever; alternating with chills;
fever; localised; stomach (gastric fever); ;
fever; burning heat;
fever; burning heat; night; ;
fever; burning heat; night; midnight; ;
fever; burning heat; night; after midnight; ;
fever; burning heat; heat, outside, cold inside;
fever; burning heat; mostly internal, blood seems to burn; in the veins; ;
fever; burning heat; with thirst for cold drinks; with unquenchable thirst;
fever; fever without chill;
fever; fever without chill; afternoon; ;
fever; fever without chill; afternoon; 1 to 2 p.m.; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; midnight; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; after midnight; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; 12 to 2 a.m.; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; 12 to 2 a.m.; to 3 a.m.; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; 1 to 2 a.m.; ;
fever; fever without chill; night; 2 a.m.; ;
fever; with chill;
fever; continued fever;
fever; continued fever; night; ;
fever; continued fever; night; after midnight; ;
fever; continued fever; small, purple spots; putrid, foul, cadaverous smell to stool, brown, dry, leathery-looking tongue, extreme exhaustion;
fever; dry heat;
fever; dry heat; night; ;
fever; dry heat; night; with delirium;
fever; external heat;
fever; external heat; with chilliness;
fever; hectic fever;
fever; infectious fevers;
fever; intense heat;
fever; intense heat; with delirium;
fever; intermittent, chronic;
fever; internal heat;
fever; internal heat; burning; in the blood vessels; ;
fever; internal heat; with external chill;
fever; irregular stages;
fever; fever from irritation;
fever; fever from irritation; slow (see continued fever);
fever; comes on suddenly; irregular;
fever; comes on suddenly; irregular; one stage missing;
fever; no perspiration;
fever; remittent;
fever; remittent; afternoon; ;
fever; remittent; night; ;
fever; remittent; prone to become typhoid;
fever; remittent; prone to become typhoid; from poisoning by quinine; ;
fever; septic fever (see infectious, continued, from childbirth, etc.);
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; chill followed by heat, then sweat;
fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; heat alternating with chill, then with sweat;
fever; yellow fever;
perspiration; night; ;
perspiration; during anxiety; ;
perspiration; during anxiety; night; ;
perspiration; clammy;
perspiration; cold;
perspiration; from coughing; ;
perspiration; with difficulty breathing;
perspiration; after the fever; ;
perspiration; odour; sour;
perspiration; profuse;
perspiration; while sitting; ;
perspiration; on beginning to sleep; ;
perspiration; other symptoms worse while perspiring;
perspiration; walking (see exertion); in open air;
Itching, burning, swellings; oedema; eruption, papular, Dry, rough, scaly; worse cold and scratching
Malignant pustules
Ulcers with offensive discharge
Poisoned wounds
Urticaria, with burning and restlessness
Icy coldness of body
Epithelioma of the skin
Gangrenous inflammations.
skin; blisters;
skin; blisters; black;
skin; blisters; filled with blood;
skin; blisters; bluish;
skin; blisters; whitish;
skin; coldness;
skin; discoloration; blackish;
skin; discoloration; red; spots;
skin; discoloration; white;
skin; discoloration; white; spots;
skin; dry;
skin; dry; burning;
skin; dry; inability to perspire (see inactivity);
skin; gangrene; from burns or gangrenous sores;
skin; gangrene; cold;
skin; abnormal growths; cauliflower-like fungus; haematodes;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, spread over body;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; black;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; black; base; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; bleeding;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; bleeding; edges; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; bluish;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; burning; in margins; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; as if burnt;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; cancerous;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; deep;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; bloody;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; corrosive;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; greenish;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; offensive;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; discharges; offensive; putrid;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; with elevated, hardened margins;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; fungus;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; gangrenous;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; painless, slow developing;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; hardened; margins;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; inflamed;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; painful;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; phagedenic (spreading, obstinate ulceration);
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; red with red circle;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; like eczema;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; sensitive; margins; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; shooting;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; spongy;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; spongy; margins; ;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; stinging, sudden, sharp;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; stinging, sudden, sharp; margins;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; generating pus;
skin; abnormal growths; ulcers; syphilitic;
skin; abnormal growths; warts; waxy;
skin; inflammation; skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour); gangrenous;
skin; hard; like parchment;
skin; itching;
skin; itching; burning;
skin; itching; without visible out-break on skin;
skin; itching; must scratch; until it bleeds;
skin; itching; scratching;
skin; out-breaks on skin;
skin; out-breaks on skin; blackish;
skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; painful boil, shedding skin and tissues (carbuncle);
skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; periodical;
skin; out-breaks on skin; burning;
skin; out-breaks on skin; from becoming cold; ;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty;
skin; out-breaks on skin; crusty; moist;
skin; out-breaks on skin; dry;
skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; burning;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; itching;
skin; out-breaks on skin; herpetic; mealy;
skin; out-breaks on skin; itching;
skin; out-breaks on skin; mealy;
skin; out-breaks on skin; small, purple spot;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pimples;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pimples; burning;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pocks; burning;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pus-filled pimples;
skin; out-breaks on skin; pus-filled pimples; malignant;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular);
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); white;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); suppurating (producing pus), which dries to blackish crusts;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); scabies;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); scaly;
skin; out-breaks on skin; rash (see granular); scaly; bran-like;
skin; out-breaks on skin; small-pox; black;
skin; out-breaks on skin; like nettle rash;
skin; pain; burning;
skin; swelling;
skin; swelling; bluish-black;
skin; swelling; burning;
skin; swelling; fluid in tissues;
skin; swelling; spongy;
injuries and accidents; burns;
generalities; night; ;
generalities; night; before midnight; ;
generalities; night; after midnight; ;
generalities; night; 1 a.m.; ;
generalities; abscesses; burning;
generalities; open air;
generalities; affects of alcohol; ;
generalities; anaemia;
generalities; anaemia; as from iron deficiency - greenish yellow skin;
generalities; general physical anxiety;
generalities; walking up stairs or hill;
generalities; change of temperature;
generalities; blackness of external parts;
generalities; blood vessels; septicaemia (blood poisoning - chills, fever, must lie down, inflammed lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs);
generalities; blood vessels; varicose veins; burning;
generalities; blood vessels; varicose veins; burning; night; ;
generalities; bones; necrosis in bones (death of cells);
generalities; cancers;
generalities; cancers; fungus haematodes;
generalities; cancers; ulcer like lesions, leaving scars, spread over body;
generalities; collapse;
generalities; collapse; after diarrhoea; ;
generalities; collapse; sudden;
generalities; collapse; after vomiting; ;
generalities; convulsions;
generalities; physical exertion;
generalities; eating and food; after eating; ;
generalities; eating and food; cold food;
generalities; eating and food; fruit;
generalities; eating and food; bad meat;
generalities; eating and food; rotten sausages;
generalities; eating and food; warm drinks;
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin);
generalities; emaciated (extremely thin); children (marasmus); ;
generalities; faintness, fainting;
generalities; faintness, fainting; morning; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; frequent;
generalities; faintness, fainting; on moving; ;
generalities; faintness, fainting; after vomiting; ;
generalities; flabby feeling;
generalities; fluid build up; external; ;
generalities; fluid build up; internal; ;
generalities; inflammation; externally; ;
generalities; inflammation; internally; ;
generalities; inflammation; internally; gangrenous;
generalities; inflammation; blood vessels; ;
generalities; inflammation; thin, watery membranes;
generalities; jerking; on going to sleep; ;
generalities; lying down; inclination to lie down;
generalities; lying down; lying down;
generalities; lying down; after lying down;
generalities; lying down; after lying down;
generalities; movement; after;
generalities; aversion to movement;
generalities; pain; burning externally;
generalities; pain; burning externally; internally; ;
generalities; pain; burning externally; blood vessels; ;
generalities; pain; burning externally; glands; ;
generalities; pain; pressing; internally; ;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; internally; burning;
generalities; pain; sudden, sharp; muscles; burning in muscles; like hot needles; ;
generalities; periodic, recurring; ;
generalities; periodic, recurring; fourteenth day; ;
generalities; perspiration gives no relief;
generalities; pulse; abnormal;
generalities; pulse; frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid;
generalities; pulse; frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid; and small;
generalities; pulse; irregular;
generalities; pulse; small;
generalities; pulse; weak;
generalities; rising;
generalities; running;
generalities; electric-like shocks;
generalities; electric-like shocks; on going to sleep; ;
generalities; symptoms not symmetrical; right; ;
generalities; while sitting;
generalities; must sit up in bed with knees pulled up, resting head and arms upon knees;
generalities; before sleep;
generalities; at beginning of sleep;
generalities; during sleep;
generalities; standing;
generalities; stretching;
generalities; swelling; in general; ;
generalities; swelling; inflammatory;
generalities; swelling; puffy;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold feeling; blood vessels; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold feeling; lack of vital heat;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; flushes of heat; like warm water; poured over;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); hot feeling; sensation of heat; in blood vessels; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold in general;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold air;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); from becoming cold; ;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); after becoming cold;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); entering a cold place;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); cold, wet weather;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warm bed;
generalities; temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warm heater;
generalities; tobacco;
generalities; tobacco; chewing;
generalities; trembling; externally; ;
generalities; trembling; from anxiety; ;
generalities; twitching; on going to sleep; ;
generalities; ulcers, at glands (see skin);
generalities; ulcers, at glands (see skin); cancerous;
generalities; uncovering;
generalities; after undressing;
generalities; vaults, cellars, etc.;
generalities; vomiting;
generalities; on waking; ;
generalities; walking;
generalities; walking;
generalities; warm bed;
generalities; warm heater;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness);
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); morning; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); from diarrhoea; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); after eating; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); from slight exertion; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); during fever; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); from movement; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); from pain; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); paralytic;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); rapid;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); on rising; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); after stool; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); sudden;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); trembling; after stool; ;
generalities; weakness (see lethargic, weariness); walking; ;
generalities; weariness (see weakness); after eating; ;
generalities; wet weather; ;
generalities; wine;

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